[h1][center][b][color=afd644]Romeo Tallis[/color][/b][/center][/h1] [h3][center]The Clock Tower[/center][/h3] [hr] He had enough self-awareness to come early. Thus, it was no problem that he wandered the halls peering into open doors, fixated on one thing after another. So [i]that's[/i] what that ritual did. He always killed mages before they could finish. No way, were they fighting? Hand-to-hand mages? The door fell closed too quickly to be sure. The place was like a museum, but more fun because you had to be quick and sneaky to see the cool parts. Fortunately, Romeo was both. Despite that, wasn't it almost time to meet the mages? For a place called "The Clock Tower" he actually couldn't find a way to figure out the exact o'clock. Being unsure, he decided to head what he felt was probably the right direction. A few minutes later, he got what he wanted. Romeo had half a mind to kick down the door and start interrogating the mages that would surely be inside about what kinds of cool things they could do. Instead, he gave two rapid knocks, waited for an invitation, and then stepped inside. There were three already sitting inside, and despite the intimidating guy who was obviously the higher-ranked executioner he was meant to join, his instincts told him the scholarly-looking fella behind the desk would be in charge. With that in mind, he made a quick stop there to announce his arrival. [color=afd644]"Good afternoon, sir. Executioner Romeo Tallis from the Holy Church reporting for duty."[/color] He spoke just loud enough that he could be sure everyone currently in the room would remember his name. [color=afd644]"If you don't mind, I'll be joining my senior now."[/color] Looking more thoroughly at the scarred man sitting nearby, it was obvious that he must have had an insane amount of experience, hopefully against magi specifically. As the junior priest in black approached the senior one in white, he wondered if perhaps he was meeting someone truly legendary, as he had always taken more of an interest in the terrible mythic blasphemers who had antagonized the Church throughout history than in the legendary warriors of the Lord. [color=afd644]"Pleased to meet you, Father."[/color] He extended a hand while guessing at the man's status, [color=afd644]"I hope you're doing well, and that you're ready to embark on this unusual mission."[/color]