[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GEVLC0H.png[/img] Mentions - [@Squirrel98] [/center] Light filtered through the domed ceiling high above, cascading down in a multitude of colors through the stained glass. It tinted everything in the greenery of one of the school's multitude of gardens in a mysterious and mystical glow. Nebulosa tilted her head thoughtfully to the side as she examined a plant with a vibrant pink inside and a spiky green outer shell. She had never seen one of these on any of the worlds she had come to, and very little flora grew upon Venestia, her birth home. While she peered at the curious plant, a small bug came and landed upon it. With alarming speed, the plant crunched down and trapped the bug inside. She grinned wickedly at the tricky little plant. A creature after her own heart, indeed. With a telepathic command, she had one of her minions record the event taking place. She would figure out what the ferocious little plant was called later, if she could be bothered to remember, but she had other places to be. Several of her minions floated behind her, carrying all sorts of luggage and odds and ends. She swept through the gardens, her tentacles writhing beneath her in an unnerving fashion. She turned a corner to see the sign “DORMITORY”, her true destination this day. As she slithered through the corridors of the dorms, she caught students looking at her and whispering behind their hands to each other, and faculty giving her a mean glare as she passed, as if saying [I] “I'll be watching you”[/i]. It filled her with no small amount of inner glee to see them so on-edge around her. She could practically bathe in the aromas they exuded, almost ripe and ready to pluck for the eating. Her mentors were right, she was going to enjoy this blasphemous hole of inferiority, especially if they kept tempting her with so many exotic emotions. Finally, she stopped in front of her dorm. The sign next to the door read “Allison Parker” and, right below it, “Nebulosa Supres”. With but a thought, one of her minions took her student ID and swiped it across the scanner for her, them promptly returned it to where it belonged. The door opened with an airy [i]swishhh[/i]. Immediately, Nebulosa felt incredulous about her accommodations. She didn't mind sharing the room with another student, in fact that part of the arrangement could lead to some interesting moments, but the [I]room was so small[/i]. Smaller than anything she was accustomed to, at the very least. The only thing that livened up the space was a presumably female creature with ethereal, fluffy wings fluttering back and forth as if uncertain about what to do. Nebulosa studied the creature. She hadn't seen a creature with feathered wings before, she was more used to seeing the slaves on PI-9 with their glossy, shell like wings, so the girl before her was certainly interesting. Her minions came from behind her to unload her things on her side of the room, and Nebulosa herself moved her mass into the room. She stood at 9 feet tall, and her imposing height only intensified the feeling that she was looking down on everything and everyone. [b][color=#a341bb] “Good morning, Allison Parker. I am to be your roommate, Nebulosa Supres. You may call me Nebulosa, or whatever variation of nickname a creature like you would adopt. I suspect you prefer to be called by some sort of [I]cute[/i] pet name yourself, tell me so I may address you so.”[/color][/b]