[img]https://i.imgur.com/uSDEkuy.png[/img[/img] [color=0054a6]"Please, I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I just got scared!"[/color] The now comparably tiny officer said in her gigantic hand as he stared into her as he rose up to eye level. Now he was face to face with her completely. This was a truly frightening experience as the officer never had been held before in the hands of lady, much less a gigantic one with huge baby blue eyes starring right at him before. It felt like looking into the eyes of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, only she was human and if it weren't for the fact she was frightening her eyes would have otherwise been quite pretty. Still, she had him in hand and one wrong word or move and she would easily be able to drop him to his demise. This, combined with the fact her hand's strength was unbelievable made the officer quiver with fear. [color=0054a6]"Please, I have kids to feed! I was just trying to help the hostages!"[/color] The man exclaimed in fear. [color=f49ac2]"Ill get them next, don't you worry none about that."[/color] She said as she now held him in one of her massive hand and then she turned around slowly the window of the building. As she turned her gigantic sandal impacted the pavement and made a slight boom and left some cracks from her step. Then she leaned over and looked inside to see the criminals still with their hostages, but behind a table to make a slight defensive fortification. This concerned her little as Lulissa's gigantic face peeked inside and stared at them in anger. [color=f49ac2]"You try anything on those poor folks and I'll squeeze the life right outta ya!"[/color] She ordered towards the criminals hiding inside the building. At this both of the suspects lost heart and decided it wasn't the best time to piss off a gigantic building sized woman. Even if they could bluff or threaten to shoot the hostages, they know this would only had made her more angry and they have foolishly left themselves barricaded and trapped inside the building to her. She also looked very mad and ready to demolish the entire structure should she be pressed any further at this point. Fear took hold of both of them and they decided not to press their luck, they hastily shoved the hostages and told them to run down and out of the building. While this did take away their only advantage, the frightening revelation that they were dealing with a giant angry woman who could bring down the entire roof upon them or worse was far more of a concern than the police outside. The cravens shivered so much they even put down their guns and their hands in the air. Whatever made her giant obviously was nothing they were used to dealing with. [color=fff200]"Okay! We give up! Just please, don't tear this place down or nothin!"[/color] One of them shouted back at her as he dropped his gun. [color=fff200]"Yeah, I wanna live!"[/color] the other said as he two lost heart and followed soon after dropping his pistol as well. [color=f49ac2]"Good boys."[/color] She said rather sarcastically as she then lifted up her other hand and then thrusted it right through the wall and window of the apartment complex. Both of them screamed out in terror as her massive hand entered the interior of the room and rapidly approached them. In little over a minute she had grabbed them and pilled them both out with one hand like dolls. They didn't even struggle once her massive and sturdy fingers wrapped around them as they became too chicken to resist or struggle. The notion of resistance would be futile regardless as she lifted them both in her hand and pulled them outside with little effort. Suddenly the giantess had a cop in one hand, and two little crooks in the other. She couldn't help but grin as the mere fact she had them held like dolls and scared like mice was quite amusing. This moment of amusement was soon cut short as police sirens were heard and soon a dispatch of more police cars were seen coming towards her in the distance. All with sirens hounding lights glaring. At this point Lulissa figured that explaining this very awkward situation would be quite daunting, especially as more and more police cars were closing in on her to the other side of the street. She was wedged in between both formations and thus she decided it would be best to try to make a run for it with the tiny humans she had in her hand. Diplomacy seemed defiantly out of the question by this point. [color=f49ac2]"Crap! I better get outta here while I can!"[/color] She said to herself as the giant building sized lady began to stampede down the other street parallel to the one she came. The titaness then found that she was also blocked that pathway as well and the cars were heading towards her. There was no way she would be able to evade them coming directly at her. She had to deal with them somehow. She then thought of something before she began to dash right at the cards coming towards her. They eventually saw the giantess heading straight for them and thus they decided to set up a perimeter to close off the street. As she dashed towards them both the two criminals and the officer in both hands would all scream wildly in fear as they were all helpless but to hold on while being suspended and on the move with her. Meanwhile the ground would shake and loud booming thuds with each step would make the police cars shake as the giant lady in sandals became closer and closer. Officers got out and pointed guns at her, but when they saw she had not only the criminals in her hand,but one of their own officers they refused to fire. She got closer and closer until she literally leaped right over them and in a spectacular and unbelievable motion the giant lady was able to launch herself right over them! [color=f49ac2]"Wooo hoooo!"[/color] She let out as she got air and then landed several meters away from the cars and policemen. When her massive sandals hit the ground the street began to shake and loud, ear hurting booms were heard as two gigantic padded feet plopped down on the cement. Everyone on the force was shaken as was trash cans toppled over and nearby car alarms set off. However, Lulissa didn't take the time to do a aerobatic pose, instead she kept going while she dashed and stomped away from the line of cars. At this point the police officers began to fire at her backside in frustration, only to have little effect as she appeared to be impervious to bullets. Soon she would gain distance and move further and further away from the firing officers until she was out of range of their pistols.