[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MzIHaGw.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/KzmdUGG.png[/img] [b][code]The Reid Farmhouse – Basement[/code][/b] [/center] [sub][@Atrophy][@He Who Walks Behind][@Prosaic][@FernStone][@Mike73][/sub] [hr] Min surprisingly (only because Britney figured either Claire or Penny would do it), took the initiative and knocked Sharon out. Still, Britney was tense because this was still a big gamble. Knocking her out would either make the situation so much worse.... The overwhelming sound of buzzing faded away quickly. ... Or solve all of their problems, as what clearly happened when Britney ran over to the basement window and saw the insects returning to the woodlands around the farm. And Britney started laughing out of pure joy, pumping her fist as she fell ass first to the ground. Their situation could have gotten a lot worse if everything didn't go as planned. However, there was still plenty to be done. She quickly looked up as if a burst of realization hit her, before she crawled over to Sharon. "We need to help her arm," Britney flipped Sharon over onto her arm as gently as she could. "Stick. A thick one." Claire said as she grabbed a white sheet that was in a basket. "I got this." Britney broke the stick that she had created to knock Sharon out in half with a neat cut before she handed it to Claire, who quickly ran upstairs - all the way upstairs - into the bathroom and rummaged through the place for medical supplies. Paying little attention to the current state of the house. She looked for peroxide and bandages and whatever she could use to clean the wound. However, she came across a conspicuous empty prescription bottle.... It said [code]Sharon Reid: Lithium[/code]. Which was something that Claire found... [i]interesting.[/i] She put it back, and quickly ran back downstairs with the medical supplies. She took off Sharon's shirt so she could get at the little cuts and bruises she obviously had on her. She got to work cleaning her wounds, before she looked up at the group, "I got things here... just... look through the house I guess? I guess the others would like an update." Afterwards, she stuck the stick under her arm, and it wrapped up with the sheet. "Isabella," Britney looked at her friend, "Would you kindly heal Sharon? We have plenty of questions for her." "Justin too." Claire noted. "And Justin," Britney said, realizing how... impassionate she sounded. "Penny tell the others that the coast is clear - we still need to search this house." She walked up the stairs, and the very [i]second[/i] she marched upstairs, she realized how trashed the house was. Dead insects were scattered about, and various other debris from their rampage was also merely lying around. It'd take a lot of cleaning to get this house livable again. Still, there was one thing that immediately came to mind that made Britney make haste towards the front door. Lying on the ground was the mangled corpse of Andrea... it definitely wasn't a pretty sight. Britney immediately winced, and turned her head. However, she turned her head towards the body, and noticed something glowing on her wrist - a sigil of an hourglass. Andrea probably awakened before her death, but she either died before she could use her abstraction, or it was of no use. Though, Britney was oddly drawn to the sigil... she knelt down to touch it... [i]"... If you get one taste of this power, who's to say you won't want another... and another?"[/i] Hearing those words echo through her head made her freeze in her tracks. A wheat colored energy covered both sides of Andrea's body. Before roots and vines covered her dead body (which she connected to a nearby tree), and pulled her into the ground. Deep into the soil. Britney immediately felt weaker... much weaker. Then she felt very guilty for the death of Andrea... because it was all her fault that she got dragged into this. And worst of all, Britney is trying to hide her death. It sucked but, she had a good reason for doing it. For starters, they didn't want the sheriff's department on them - especially this early on in their little group's lifespan. Andrea's family would be worried sick, and they would be devastated by the news - but the fact of the matter is... ... their mission was more important than getting her a proper burial. Especially with how many lives were at stake should the Glutton go on a rampage, they sure as hell didn't need such a disadvantage. The other reason was simple, she didn't want the group learning about a... certain ability this early. At least until she could weed out the people who simply weren't capable of handling it (And she had an idea of just whom fit this category). Afterwards, she walked towards the garage and saw it opening up and smiled that the group was safe and sound... [hr][CENTER] [img]https://i.imgur.com/pzvcW5L.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/f4XE2MO.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/X7zKc5z.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/8XlJDkh.png[/img] [b][code]The Reid Farmhouse – Garage[/code][/b] [sub][@FernStone][@Prosaic][@Mike73][@Atrophy][/sub][/center][hr] "I won't detonate it while you're in there," Lynette flatly noted as Rien drew the wood - perfect. She didn't have a perfect grasp of her abstraction just yet, but she knew that it required conscious effort to even activate. "Besides, worst comes to worst, I have the tools to save you." She reassured Nathan, but at this point, the sounds of the swarm outside died down a bit. Until it had completely faded away. "Hey guys," Hagan said, "Ya'll hear that, right?" "Yeah... but I dunno if it's safe just yet," Lynette tried to urge him not to be so hasty. "They could be takin' a break or just trying to lure us out." Billy told them that, indeed, the coast was clear, and everyone let out a sigh of relief as Hagan wasted no time going for the garage door. "Then what're we waitin' for!?" Hagan enthusiastically asked, "Let's get the hell outta this cramped ass garage!" He threw the doors open, and let the sunshine in. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WKdecqD.png[/img] [/center] [b][code]The Reid Farmhouse - Mason Square.[/code][/b][hr] An hour passed since the incident... The group properly examined the house... and other than the folder that the garage-gang found earlier, they found absolutely nothing. So Britney proposed that they cleaned up the house for Sharon for when she wakes up. Mostly Lynette with the usage of her glyphs, but by the time the hour was up, the house was... halfway to looking presentable. Sharon was placed on a sofa that Lynette cleaned to the best of her ability, and was resting while Isabella healed her, with the makeshift splint that Britney had created. The group was gathered outside on the porch while Sharon rested to discuss... things. "So..." Claire said with a burning cigarette hanging down from her lips, "... We gotta address the elephant in the room?" Britney shifted through the photographs, before stopped at the last one. "The past is dead and so are they...?" Britney repeated the words out loud in a less than hopeful tone. Whatever these photographs meant, they meant nothing good. "All the people crossed out," Jordan noted as she sat down on the stair with her leg stretched out, "We should look into them - the school too." "Hillview Highschool closed [i]years[/i] ago," Claire noted... she wanted to note that [i]her[/i] parents graduated from there, but mere fuckin' thought of those assholes was enough to make the girl very uncomfortable. "I doubt we could just walk in and find everything on file, sweetheart...." "Still say we should look," Jordan said, "There's still a trail we can follow. We can talk to these people if they're alive, and if they're not - people just don't disappear without a clue or anyone caring." She shrugged. Claire snickered for a moment. "Well in Farmer Fuckin' Hill, Montana," Hagan shook his head. "[i]They do.[/i]" Britney quickly turned her head and sharply looked at Hagan, and realized the jackass may have well struck a nerve with Penny. Good grief. She shook her head, and looked up at the sky. The sun had nearly set on Farmer Hill, and it was already fairly dark out. Complete darkness was next, and she doubted that anyone would want to move while it was so dark out - especially Reese on the move. "Maybe we shouldn't talk about this right now..." Britney nervously scratched the back of her neck. Lynette was relatively quiet during the ordeal, since she was more concerned with keeping an eye on Sharon... and it wasn't long until the injured girl awoken with a groggy groan. With a snap of her fingers, Lynette caught everyone's attention, and said, "She's up, guys." Immediately, Britney put the photographs in her purse, and nervously said, "... Maybe we shouldn't show these to her." As in, it'd probably be a terrible idea that'd end horribly, and nobody should do it. Which was why they were firmly staying in her purse. Sharon slowly got up, in great condition, her arm was perfectly fine. She still felt a bit lethargic from the experience, but otherwise (if it wasn't for her house being in a shitty state) it was like she took a nap... and all these strangers were in her house. She loudly gasped as she saw them. "Hey, hey, hey!" Lynette said, "It's okay, we're friendly!" "... But you're also in my god damn house!" Sharon shouted. "... that's a good point," Lynette said. When she saw Britney, the girl relented, "It's okay, Sharon." She said. "Take deep breaths." And the girl did. Slowly calming down. "Want me to get you some water?" Lynette asked, and received a headnod as a response. Lynette quickly ran into her kitchen and poured her some water out of a pitcher and put ice in it and came back. Sharon wasted no time in downing all of it, before she wiped her mouth off and looked at the group. There were so many questions for the group that she had, but the main one was.. "... What the hell happened? All I remember was getting attacked by a monster, everything else is... hazy... unclear." Sharon asked as she looked at everyone. "... and why are you all in my house? No really, why are you all even [i]here?[/i]"