[hider=Walking Chimney][color=c4df9b][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEwNi41YmNiMDYuVVhWcGJtNGdUR3h2ZVdRLC4w/homerun.regular.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_le4wy6ztlx1qem3pjo1_500.gif[/img] [sub][url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r6OuvaesBB0]I wanna know what it's like to be awkward and innocent, not belligerent, I wanna know what it's like to be useful and pertinent, and have common sense, yeah.[/url][/sub] | [sub][url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9sTny0QBM3A]We were making out in bed, she moaned "Oh, God." and I moaned "God is dead."[/url][/sub] [hr] [/center] [color=8dc73f]Name[/color][hr] [indent]Quinn Alan Lloyd.[/indent] [color=8dc73f]Age[/color][hr] [indent]24.[/indent] [color=8dc73f]Gender[/color][hr] [indent]Male.[/indent] [color=8dc73f]Sexuality[/color][hr] [indent]Bisexual.[/indent] [color=8dc73f]Relationship Status[/color][hr] [indent]Single.[/indent] [color=8dc73f]Education Level[/color][hr] [indent]- Highschool Graduate. - BA in Psychology.[/indent] [color=8dc73f]Occupation[/color][hr] [indent]Between jobs, tendency to pick up odd jobs and lose them just as quick.[/indent] [color=8dc73f]Relation to the Bride or Groom[/color][hr] [indent]Cole became a [i]very[/i] close friend of Quinn's during her time spent in California, he was a native of the area and they had a similar outlook on life. It worked out as well as one can expect.[/indent] [center][hr] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3rfq8br2o1r7p0k7o1_500.gif[/img] [hr] [/center] [color=8dc73f]Appearance[/color][hr] [indent][center][b]BRUNETTE - GREEN EYES - 6"0 - 147 LBS[/b][/center] Quinn is a very tall and gangly fellow, he stands in around an even 6"0 in height. He's very slender, lacking much muscle at all and maintains narrow hips and shoulders. His frame is naturally very slight and his legs are very long, he is also very pale. He has very few freckles or scars but the freckles that he does have are very prominent and dark. He has extremely curly hair that is very dark in color, so dark that it's almost black. This hair frames a pointed, youthful face with high cheekbones. He has very thick, dark brows that sit low over jade green eyes. His lips are nicely shaped and he has a slight dimple in his chin. He is prone to wearing highly casual clothing, though he has a noticeable fondness for plaid.[/indent] [color=8dc73f]Personality[/color][hr] [indent][center][b]SARCASTIC - BITTER - HUMOROUS - CLEVER[/b][/center] Quinn is a jokester, the type of guy that [i]never[/i] takes things seriously. He breezes through life with little to no care for anything around him, while this light-hearted approach leads to him having very little stress, it also leads to him being a major underachiever. He doesn't follow through with commitments and he hates to be tied down. He's very friendly most of the time, though there seems to be an undertone of bitterness to his personality. He's passive in regards to the feelings of others and he has a tendency towards snide remarks. He seems to have an edge of self-deprecation in everything that he says about himself, though a lot of it is masked in sharp humor. He's very clever and able to work things out quickly, he's often the first to suggest plans and ideas He can be slightly reckless at times, seems to try to live as fast-paced as he can. He's prone to self-destructive habits and will often engage in risky behavior. He seems to constantly be testing the edge of just how far that he can go before something bad happens.[/indent] [color=8dc73f]Upbringing[/color][hr] [indent]Quinn Alan Lloyd was born in Los Angeles, California, and he was born into what could only be considered a low income home. There was a constant struggle to keep food on the table and his parents were constantly working, it made for a very distant relationship with them. The distance between him and his parents lead to a lot of missed events and them never really knowing much about their son. Quinn was unhappy in this environment, though there wasn't much that he could do about it. He understood as best as a kid could that necessity deemed that his parents would have to work extra hard to take care of him. Despite this distance between him and them, he understood that they cared about him. His relationship with his parents was never really the problem, the problem was what happened when he was in middle school. In middle school, his mother divorced his father after a four year long affair that everyone in the household had been turning their heads to. In her absence, Quinn's shaky existence became even shakier. They were barely raking in enough money to keep their house, the kid was practically living on school lunch and whatever his dad could afford to buy that night. By highschool, Quinn had developed a kind of bitterness towards his mother that became more and more evident each time that they interacted. After awhile, she stopped trying to connect to her unreachable son altogether. After they completely disconnected, Quinn began to fall into a cycle of bad habits as if to compensate for how bad that he was feeling. Fights became frequent, he was constantly getting in tiffs with other students and he had picked up a habit for smoking, he became obsessed with parties and drinking himself silly. His father was working harder than ever to maintain their household, it was only natural that he wouldn't have the time to keep his wild son in check. This behavior seemingly never stopped, not even when he went into college, barely scraping by on a trustfund that was set up by his grandparents. Quinn pursued psychology because he had always had an interest in the field, and it lead him to meeting Cole who had come to California for college herself. They were both prone to bad habits and risky decision making, it was kind of a match made in hell. It was kind of the only thing that he enjoyed about college as a whole. While the two friends were separated when Cole made the decision to move back home, he remained in contact with her as best as he could. He was adamant about them remaining friends. Quinn moved out, bought himself a shady apartment, and quickly became wrapped in pursuing odd jobs. He could never seem to hold a stable job but he made ends meet as best as he could, it was in between jobs that he was invited to Cole's wedding.[/indent] [color=8dc73f]Misc[/color][hr] [indent]Quinn suffers from MDD, though he's unlikely to talk about that. He has a phobia regarding spiders. He's a hell of a chain smoker. [sub]FC: Robert Sheehan. Dialogue Color: [color=8dc73f]#8dc73f[/color][/sub][/indent] [center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/14435870/original.gif[/img][/center][/color][/hider]