Asuka sighed quietly, drinking in the atmosphere around her. She'd repelled an Elder Dragon before (a Kushala Daora with rusted scales, to be precise), but never killed one. That said, repelling an Elder Dragon that was almost literally a walking volcano felt [i]really[/i] damn good. She made her way back to the table with the team she'd been assigned to. For the most part, up until now, Asuka had been tackling her missions and assignments solo. So, because of her skill, the higher-ups had decided to group Asuka up with three other promising Hunters. Each of them were Fivers, and came to the New World for their own reasons: starting a new life, fame and fortune, escaping money troubles, evading jilted lovers, gods only knew what else. Asuka had decided that it would be a good experience to venture to another continent. True, the ride here had been rough, and one of the Fifth Fleet's ships had gotten stuck on Zorah Magdaros' back, but she and everyone else in the Fifth had made it in one piece, if roughed up and missing their stuff. She sat down, making sure nobody had touched her food. [i]All good[/i], Asuka decided. She took a drink from her mug. Despite the festivities, she was abstaining from alcohol for now. However, when the team leader Asim began speaking, Asuka wished she'd have gotten a mug or two of Ratha Whiskey. It wasn't that she found his voice annoying, but the pep talk felt sappy to Asuka. She knew they were up against a dangerous enemy ([i]Seriously, who would[/i] willingly [i]go up against something called "The Extinction Dragon"?[/i], she thought), but she didn't need a rousing speech. Once finished with her meal Asuka stood, stretching. "I'll get some things, and I'll be ready," she said curtly.