[center] [h2][color=6F6B84]Höd Ultair[/color][/h2][/center][center][sub]Interacting with [b]Morganna[/b], [b]Azilon Dantanath[/b], and [b]Salazar Dantanath[/b][@WeepingLiberty] [/sub][/center] The blade pressed against the material of his pants that were now the only pathetic excuse for armor his manhood had and yet, Höd seemed unphased. His calculating eyes remained on Morganna’s as he allowed for his thumb to wander to the woman’s jaw line. Höd traced his thumb delicately along it, moving up and toward her ear. As he drew closer to her ear, his hand joined in; cupping the nape of her neck firmly. Like she knew who she was dealing with, he knew the same for her. Assassins could not be trusted, even more so when their backs were up against a wall. [color=ed1c24]”Someone has paid a rather hefty amount for your head, my darling. They’re pretty inexperienced with such transactions which means I can wiggle a lot more money out of them. An easy pay day when the target all but hands himself over to the hunter.”[/color] Höd returned Morganna’s playfully twisted smile back to her. There was something about the woman that intrigued him that went further than lusting over a legend or beauty. She could hold her own, she wasn’t afraid of him, and she was brave enough to pull a knife on him. Höd’s hand ripped from her neck as she spun around him. He turned to face her and smirked, knowing that if he wanted to, he could’ve held onto the girl but watching as she flipped her hair in almost a mocking tone made their little game of cat and mouse more enjoyable. [color=6f6b84]”I’ll let you have this one, mon Cherie, only because I am a gentleman. But do remember, my sweet Morganna, when the target wants you to catch him… it’s never that easy.”[/color] Höd was now behind the woman, bent over to whisper in her ear. As a skilled assassin, she would pick up on the tone his voice carried; a playful warning. He was throwing her own medicine back at her. Curiously, he watched for a response that would never come. Morganna was far too trained to allow such a slight to affect her. The lack of response only fueled Höd’s desire to push her buttons even more. He snickered at the thought of just [i]how[/i] he would accomplish such a task. It wouldn’t be easy, assassins meant patience. He knew patience well, but he also was no stranger to persistence and stubbornness. Höd had entered a game in which, he very well could be the only player, and as the competitive type, he would not let her win so easily. [color=ed1c24]”I take it you’re holed up in some inn somewhere in town right? Not exactly the safest place for you with that kind of a bounty out, you’ll end up missing out on quite the vacation if you stay. Come along now, you’re coming with me. The Dantanath household is one people respect, so as our guest you’ll be left alone as long as you’re inside the grounds. That is, of course, unless you would rather keep fighting all day?”[/color] Without waiting, she was off, not bothering to glance behind her to see if he would follow. Others would take it as disinterest, Höd knew it was yet another move in their game. He followed her, curiously observing her as she walked. Morganna, the Crimson Phantom, family member of the Dantanath’s. He had heard of them, how could he not have? Not only was the name well known in Drakka, but Höd’s father personally knew the man responsible for bringing honour to the Dantanath name. He would have to tread carefully as anyone who knew his history too well could be problematic for him. Whether he ran into someone that did or not at the estate would be a gamble he was willing to take. The two of them kept to the alleyways, a smart choice as Morganna had shared the news there was a large bounty sitting on his head. Höd wasn’t surprised though, if anything he had expected it. The moment his family name surfaced, it was hunted. It only stopped when the killings dwindled and the sightings of the Berserker disappeared. Time seemed to have escaped Höd as they headed for the Dantanath estate. He was busy curiously observing the Phantom as she lead the way but paid close attention to each and every turn that they took. It was in his nature to memorize such things as directions; knowing where you were all the time was an important rule in survival. If he was going to be, a guest, as she put it in unknown territory, he would be reckless not to map a quick getaway if needed. Morganna’s stride began to slow as the two of them reached their destination. There were two horses outside of the massive estate, one was tethered to a fence and the other was wandering aimlessly. Höd had gathered that Morganna was unfamiliar with either steed, judging by the change in her demeanor. His eyes moved toward the trail of blood from where the steeds were and followed it to the front entrance of the estate. An itch of curiousity stung him but he fought the urge to pay the situation his normal reaction. Morganna seemed to not be overly concerned with what awaited her return home, which was a good enough reason for the Berserker to be at ease. Or at least at ease as he could be; in one way or another, Höd was always prepared to do what had to be done. [color=ed1c24]”Incapable of even the simplest of tasks. Whatever am I going to do with you little brother?”[/color] Höd cocked a curious eyebrow at the woman’s statement and joined alongside her as she began her march toward the front door. He peered up at the giant building as he approached it, it was an eyesore compared to the average looking homes he had seen already. This one, this one had money written all over it. It was clear that the Dantanath family was one of wealth. [color=6f6b84]”Here we have it then, the Dantanath estate in all of its glory. You, miss, continue to surprise me. I did not realize you carried such a heavy name. At least yours is a lot more liked than mine is.”[/color] Höd didn’t bother asking about the brother, his concern was how close she was with the family and by picking at the name, he had hoped she would offer some information. Morganna pushed open the door to the estate and immediately began nagging her brother. [i]Azzy[/i]. Höd simply followed behind her, quick to absorb his surroundings while remaining quiet to observe the interactions. The first thing he noticed was the small Gem wandering the estate, almost aloof to her surroundings. His first instinct was to maim the girl, but he was a guest and would have to mind his manners. At least for the time being. Höd paid no attention to the ‘play nice’ instructions she gave her brother and then realized where he knew the Drakkan from; the ceremony. It was him that she had been speaking to, one of the pretty boys. How her body language talked when she spoke to him at the Choosing made sense now; the two were related. Höd simply listened as the two of them exchanged words, silently judging the brother for his feminine like physique. He internally scoffed at the walking result of interbreeding. Any other day the Berserker would’ve brought judgment upon him, but today was not any other day. [color=ed1c24]“Now, where’s my payment, don’t tell me you lost her?”[/color] Höd’s interest perked at the talk of payment; Gem payment. His eyes wandered over to Morganna as he recalled what she had said to them the day they met. [color=6f6b84][i]A cheap but effective alternative… I see now. Full of surprises, indeed.[/i][/color] Höd grinned gently at Morganna as she addressed him. It seemed as though she would be off to inspect her payment and leave him behind with his girlish brother. He didn’t blame her though, it was important to inspect the goods before accepting the payment. Höd simply nodded at her, [color=6f6b84]”Of course, mon Cherie. Take your time and I thank you for your hospitality. I’ll enjoy getting to know your [i]brother[/i] here.”[/color] Höd watched as Azilon studied him in silence. It was clear the brother was not as outgoing as Morganna, as Azilon seemed more interested in staring at him rather than asking him what he wanted to know. An unamused look came over his face as another Gem entered the room, though this one was clearly [i]the help[/i]. He stayed still as she set the tea down on the table and as quickly as she came, she left. His attention found itself back on the brother, who again was staring at him. [color=6f6b84]”I’m sorry to break it to you, Azzy, but I don’t swing the other way.”[/color] Höd grinned as he delivered his snarky remark. [color=6f6b84]”Really though, if you are going to stare like that you should at least mind your manners and introduce yourself. My name, is Höd. Son of…”[/color] Höd’s attention was snatched away at the approaching voice but not before he noticed the grimace on Azilon’s face. Whoever it was, Azilon didn’t care for them. The man who entered carried himself in a way that could belong only to the head of the household. Judging by his appearance, he was approximately Höd’s age, which could only mean that this man’s father could very well be the one his father knew. Any normal person would tense in such a situation, but Höd was trained not to do so. He refused to allude to any family connections. When Azilon introduced him as a thing Morganna had dragged in, the head of the house confirmed he knew Höd’s family name but was satisfied with the simple fact that his daughter trusted him. [color=6f6b84]”I do apologize for any inconvenience I caused at the Ceremony. But a man such as yourself surely understands business matters and the importance of attending to them.”[/color] Höd addressed Salazar with respect that would be clear in Höd’s tone of voice. Not only was this man the head of the Dantanath family, he was also Morganna’s father. If he was going to make a lasting impression, he would treat the man with the utmost of respect. [color=6f6b84]”Thank you for having me in your home. I do understand the trouble my being here might bring you, so I will be sure not to stay long.”[/color] After a few words, Salazar left, leaving only the small Gem who was named Rya and [i]Azzy[/i]. [Hider=Summary]Höd and Morganna play cat and mouse. Höd knows the Dantanath family name well, hopefully someone alive doesn’t know him. Höd makes fun of Azzy. Höd respects the shit out of Salazar.[/hider]