[color=0076a3]Alison Twiddle[/color] As her lord sat across from the young King of an proto rival House, The young girl flicks through her phone, gauging her own and her King's stocks closely. Her eyes vigilant even though the information is only seen at a glance when she stops. Something interesting has caught her eye. Promptly she leans closer to her King and taps on his shoulder for his attention. [color=0076a3]"My lord, there is something you must see."[/color] She raises the phone in her hand so that both have a clear visual view of the display, showing a slight dip in a particular stock. [color=0076a3]"The stock for Cadwell Confections are dropping. Shall I sell their stock before the price becomes too low?"[/color] She awaits her Master's order. Her primary interest is the success of her House. She knows more than any other that money is the only thing that these pathetic mortals will listen to. Even Fallen Ones and Devils are not immune to its' allure. Her task is to accrue as much as she can muster for herself and her Master. Of course, his stock takes priority over her own and has more than once needing to borrow from said Master again, needing to rebuild her wealth from the ground up. Her lord? He shall never come below at least a year's worth of living money. She then looks up and her face contorts a bit in disgust. Pan... That over sexual harlot. Always wanting her master to put out for this creature every time "it" shows up. She watches as the thing flirts with her Master. [color=0076a3]"Pan, back off please? The Master has a very important decision to make regarding his financial growth. Please be a dear and back of... Now..."[/color] She watches as this thing pushes off the desk and a cold mist shoots out of her nose. Pan has always gotten on her nerves, Ever since she was accepted, these two never truly got along. Like cats and dogs they fought and the still do even now.