Hello, I'm hoping it's not too late for prospective submissions, if so I'd like to propose my character Grek for consideration. [hider=Grek] [u][b]Grek[/b][/u] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/6f40/f/2014/296/a/c/goblin_pirate_by_shiprock-d83udl7.jpg[/img] Age: 34 Gender: Male Class: Smuggler Race: Grek's kind are referred to as Verrucosus Goblinoid by most humans as well as any "official" channels, though colloquially most use the term "goblin." Almost any self-respecting goblin resents such a classification and would prefer the name they had before man came, 'Montkin', or children of the mountain. To even utter the word is punishable by death, however, and so it is little known outside of their homeworld and is increasingly lost to time. The 'goblins' were in the midst of transition between a tribal and iron age when colonizing forces arrived, interested in the resources buried in their vast mountains, hardly tapped as of yet. They are generally regarded as savage, brutal, and warlike, in part to rationalize their enslavement, another part due to the grim reality that only the worst among them could survive and thrive in the post-colonial world. Home world: Goblins, for the most part, hail from Montanus, named for the planet's jagged, rocky surface. Former Profession: Warlord Personality: Grek has a surprising sort of 'Carnival barker' charisma. He carries a cane and walks with a convincing limp only in situations where it helps the tiny creature to look as pitiful and nonthreatening as possible. Otherwise he can be surprisingly nimble and useful in a fight. He will be more flippant in the midst of other outlaws but still will seldom let down a veneer of slime and scheming. All that Grek cares for is self preservation and the advancement of his own interests. Every word he speaks has an agenda. History: Grek was a warlord on his homeworld, one who made his living trading prisoners of war to Indigo Corp, the mining company that other, more principled Montkin saught to fight against. The advanced weaponry gained through trading with more advanced races only solidified Grek's position further, until it was found that his capital stronghold sat atop an untold horde of platinum reserves. Grek bailed in a small escape vessel before shit fully hit the fan, and is now on a personal quest to get back on top and get revenge on those who backstabbed him for purely personal reasons. Primary: P-52, prototype semi-auto plasma rifle given as a gift of "good faith" by Indigo Corp emissaries. Was unstoppable against any and all more primitive Montkin targets in his wake Secondary: T-18, An energy based taser that proved useful in subduing targets Grek wanted to sell alive Melee: Stun baton, mostly used to teach lessons to uncooperative captives Equipment: Shackles X3 'cattle-prod' bearing Grek's name, used to identify his "product" Other: A variety of useless trinkets, each with a tall tale of their value, used to trade and get out of sticky situations whenever possible. [/hider]