[center][h2] Hachi Kano[/h2] [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/bf/b8/6c/bfb86c046d8eb3d611cd881c1d56982c.jpg[/img] Odikawa Port City[/center] The dawn of light was beginning to creep its way up and over the port city. This northeastern town was foreign to Hachi. He never even knew it existed until a week ago, when he opened a royal scroll and confirmed it with the courier that delivered it. Far up north from Kolat territories, nudged around a mountain range that snaked west into the lands of the Lotus, Odikawa was a quiet town that dealt with pirates more than civil wars. Hachi kept the scroll balled up in his pant sleeve. He uncrumpled it throughout the night, looking over the instructions the courier had written on its backside. He looked at it again. [i]Meet at the Manor with the Silver Crescent Emblem by sun rise.[/i] Hachi, still tipsy from his sake-fueled night at the town's only watering hole, began his search. He eyed up and down every piece of architecture, but found no silver moon in sight. Checking off all of the buildings along the main street of the city, he lumbered his way over to the wharf. He'd stop every now and then, banging on doors to what he thought was the correct location, only to be shooed away with brooms and walking canes. Hachi was like a lost tourist oblivious to finding his destination. He hoped, at the very least, he’d get pointed in the right direction, but nobody seemed to know what he was talking about. [i]What useless fools![/i] he thought. [i]I’ll find it on my own![/i] And so he continued down the block, scaring the town folk as he searched for the house with a silver moon hanging on top of it.