Oh I love these kinds of threads! :D So, my preferred role would be a tank, essentially for the same reasons [@Superboy] pointed out, but I can elaborate a bit, lol I love creating and playing the role of a [b]strong[/b] female character (or male, which I've rolled as well). However I don't mean just physically strong, but intelligent, and an iron will to boot! All that without looking like a supermodel in skimpy armor on the battlefield. Generally, I don't like playing weak characters, but those who can fight for what they believe in and carry a large, sharp sword to back it up. Perhaps it was my upbringing, but my parents didn't raise no milk drinker! (Even though I'm short and practically weight nothing...) I guess I've played the tanky archetypes in most games, starting when I was like 9 and my dad intro'd me to D&D and was all like "Here, you'll love playing a barbarian because no one will want to get in your way!" Well, I was sold from there on :)