Seolhyun sat in the back of her father's sedan, she stared out the window while her father kept eyeing her in the most disappointed way. Seolhyun couldn't believe it, she ended up to some stupid camp because of something that wasn't her fault in the start. If her parents just let her live her life the way she wanted, none of this would have happened. A deep sigh escaped her father's breath. "당신은 날 싫어합니까? (Do you hate me?)" Her father asked. Seolhyun glanced over to the rear view mirror so her eyes met with her father's "왜 물어 보니? (Why do you ask?)" Seolhyun replied, her father then switched his gaze back to the road and spoke once more "내가 너를 여기로 보내니까... 그리고 당신은 조용합니다. (Because I'm sending you here... And you're being quiet.)" Seolhyun chuckled and moved her view back to the window. "난 너가 싫어. 몇 가지 이유를 제외하고 (I do hate you, just with more than one reason.)" Replied Seolhyun, and there was nothing but silence until they got there. As soon as they arrived there... "나가. (Get out.)" Stated her father, Seolhyun grabbed her bag and opened the door in a rough demeanor, "기꺼이. (Gladly.)" She replied, after she had gotten out, her father immediately drove off. Seolhyun then looked up at the worst looking entrance she had ever seen. "Hell seems more like a nicer place though." She mumbled to herself as she walked in.