[center][img]https://puu.sh/AJlGU/2a5c58b7cb.png[/img][/center] [h3][center]Between the Church and robbed bank, Shinto town / Hilltop Church[/center][/h3] [hr] To say that Sofia was annoyed was a bit of an understatement. For a good while she was sprinting at top speed to the bank in town to stop the thieves. She wasn’t exactly out of shape, but running for so long still put a strain on her fitness. But then to watch the culprits fly out of the building just as she was arriving? [color=7FFFD4]“You’re kidding me!?”[/color] Sofia groaned, still catching her breath, the thieves left so fast that she didn’t even have the check them out properly; all she noticed was the magical energy emanating from them, they were definitely master and servant. As expected though, Saber was not affected by the short jog in the slightest. [color=#FFD700]“Master, should I pursue them?”[/color] She said as she moved into a chasing position. [color=7FFFD4]“Haha, I don’t have the energy for that, but if you can keep up with them, go for it.”[/color] As soon as the words left Sofia's mouth, Saber disappeared in a gust of wind, reaching ever closer to the unaware pair in front of her. [color=7FFFD4]“Your objective is to reclaim their stolen property, so don’t do anything stupid while I’m catching up to you.”[/color] Sofia told through their connection as she started jogging after Saber. Saber already had the culprits in sight and hopped from roof to roof, coming ever closer to her unsuspecting targets. [color=#FFD700]“You worry too much master, they won’t get very-“[/color] She drew her invisible blade and started gathering magical energy in it, before releasing a magical wind slash capable of cutting a tree in half straight towards the thieves. [color=#FFD700][i]“Far!”[/i][/color] [sub]attacking[/sub] [@Reflection][@Yukitamas]