[quote=@FloriCello] [@PrinceAlexus] Help would be appreciated, but I think I have an idea cooking in my head for how to get her into Aether. Only thing stumping me is how to get her to interact with people, and how the whole group writing thing works. I've been role-playing a while, but I'm still fairly new to roleplaying in a large group and I don't wanna mess up and be an inconvenience. [/quote] No problem :) honestly, you just enter the scene, and dpon't think you have to do everything at once, interact with a situation and just try to keep up with the post rate, some are slower, some are faster and you will find people who match your pace and ideas. just start smaller, and work up. Rome was not built in a day. We will have some drama coming in scene, so react to events, and you will soon find yourself reacting to or bouncing off other characters. its alot harder to open up, but once you get abit of back and forth things soon start to slot into place. you can always bump into my characters, i always try and help people out :) DISCORD We have a discord too, so if you want ot chat back and forth, its easier. https://discord.gg/RehDh4