Tree I made for what route I can see Gina going with and I'm open to suggestions. Nature route [b]Huntress[/b] Required: Sharpshooter, Blessing of Shirila huntress have a connection with the ground, chosen warriors of the eternal mother, and had some to no influence with nature itself. one of the characteristics of the huntress is their love for long range combat preferring to hide from sight and attacking once they deem as the most optical chance to strike. [b]Dyrad[/b] Required: Earthen Connections, Earth magic (Capable of using magic that's connected to creation or nature.) Title needed: Forest Champion The Dyrad are champions of the forest and are heavily feared by those that would harm the balance. These warriors have the capability to manipulate the forest to her advantage confusing and trapping their enemies, and using their magic to great lengths which have earned them the right to be known as great magic users. [b]Forest Guardian[/b] Required: Nature's warrior(Ability to call forth vines and roots to aid her in combat.) Ivy armor (Ability to cover herself with an poisonous ivy armor) Title Needed: Shirila's chosen, Rival of the Undead Are keepers of the balance of the forest, promising to purge all who deems to distrubs the fragile balance of life. Unlike the Dyrads who chooses a more magical approaches to deal with hostile threats the guardians are more front liners using their magical reserves to create powerful and deadly buffs to herself. [b]Diwata[/b] Has full control of everything natural, and as she walks, everything everything becomes fertile, giving life to what once had died. Diwata are said to have the capability to cover the world in ever growth returning it to its former glory if she deems so destroying all that have threaten it before hand. While they seldom resort to violence, facing one or angering one is a fool's errant. But, whats known to them is their unparalleled beauty and kindness.