[@Squirrel98][@bloonewb][@DarkHuntress][@medalliah][@Animera] Ivy raced out of the cabin when the bell rang. She was more than ready to meet the others. Whether they were ready for her or not. She knew Kyle would be behind her. He always was. He moved slower than she did. But so did most people. She was thrilled when she saw several people gathered around the fire pit. She itched to play with it but knew Kyle would have a fit instead so she focused on the other campers. She bounced up to the first girl she reached [color=ed1c24]"HELLO! MY NAME IS IVY! I CAN CONTROL WATER! WHAT CAN YOU DO? MY BROTHER CAN CONTROL WATER! DO YOU HAVE A SIBLING? I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO CAMP BEFORE! HAVE YOU BEEN CAMPING BEFORE? I'VE NEVER MET ANYONE ELSE WITH POWERS! DO YOU KNOW OTHERS WITH POWERS?"[/color]She asked the questions as she pounced around the girl as she talked. Before the girl could answer she moved out to one of the boys. [color=ed1c24]"HELLO! MY NAME IS IVY! I CAN CONTROL WATER! WHAT CAN YOU DO? MY BROTHER CAN CONTROL WATER! DO YOU HAVE A SIBLING? I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO CAMP BEFORE! HAVE YOU BEEN CAMPING BEFORE? I'VE NEVER MET ANYONE ELSE WITH POWERS! DO YOU KNOW OTHERS WITH POWERS?"[/color]