Alisaie stepped out of the gym’s shower and stretched before dying off and slipping into a comfortable outfit. Tying her still damp hair back, she made a beeline for the campus’s Starbucks. Her run this morning with Anaja was peaceful, minus the vomit they found staining the path, and she definitely needed her morning fix. Three espresso in a grande veranda, the perfect morning kick to the face, and a protein box. Nice, simple, and aggressively bitter like her soul. She made a beeline for the club after. [color=ed1c24]“What’s up bitches?”[/color] Alisaie shouted as she slammed open the door, sipping from her coffee. She paused a moment, gauging the room. Since first being brought back as a devil a month and a half ago, she’d learned showing up later than the rest would save her some sanity. [color=ed1c24]“Y’all done with your morning flirtations or should I stand outside awkwardly eating for another half hour?”[/color] Not bothering to wait for a response since they were never done, she slammed the door closed and flopped onto a couch and started eating.