Rhys looks skeptical of the man. "How does one walk across the sea? It is impossible and I've yet to see you perform the same task. Though it would be useful several times over now." The man noted, his gruff voice intrigued by this notion. "Or was it merely a trait your ancestors possessed?" Perhaps it was the sleep or tiredness but Neriad was looking rather handsome for a man, not that Ryssa would say so but he intrigued her more than the nefarious and irritating captain. Though she batted the thought away with a tired hand, for while their bout had not been hard she was tired in her own way of things. The ruse was a nuscience to keep up but she would manage til they reached Egypt. Then she would become someone else entirely and they would have a mysterious disappearance aboard their ship. "For then it could be said my mother's folk were descended of Set. The god of desert and travelers and storms. All of which seem to plague out family." Indeed it was true. Her mother had come from a nomadic tribe wandering the sand. They had paused by the sea to fish and seek perhaps a bit more stable of life for a time to be set upon by storms and bandits. The latter being in a sense travelers. Though oddly enough it was never as bad as it could be. Her mother had been unlucky enough to be one of the snatched woman. But in the end, Ryssa cared little for the possibles or the past. "But I am more interested in this sea-walking."