[h1]Edward[/h1] A young man sat in the backseat of a car, staring at his phone, ignoring his parents' attempts to talk to him. It was just the repetition of the things they said at home. They made a mistake. It wasn't you. It will be alright. The boy found these comments hilarious. How blind these two could be? He knew what he was doing and he didn't regret it. He didn't regret anything- why would he? This whole ordeal made him more infamous and- he hoped- more feared. After a couple of minute's, his parents got the hint and shut up. Too bad they only realized as soon as they arrived by the gate. Edward- for that was the boy's name- left the car quietly and grabbed his suitcase from the trunk. He approached the gate slowly, only turning around to wave and fakely smile at his parents and ventured into the camp. The place looked terrible and he certainly didn't look forward to spending his summer here. [h1]Anastasia[/h1] Two women walked on a forest path, chatting and occasionally laughing about who knows what. They talked quietly but loud enough to be able to hear each other. A couple of metres behind them was a man carrying two bags. The two women closely resembled each other but if you looked closer you would see that one was 4 centimetres shorted and if you took of the shorter one's sunglasses her eyes would resemble the colour of blue raspberry bonbons, a contrast to the taller one's grass coloured ones. Those three were a family, at least in the public's eyes. But in reality, it was just a daughter, a mother and a lover. Time passed quickly and the shorter girl who was known as Anastasia to many arrived by an entrance to a campsite. The mother patted the girl's back and the man gave her the two bags. Anastasia thanked the pair and hugged the woman before smiling back at them happily before she entered the campsite.