The basic premise is that a plan to replicate Spider-Man's formidable power in a lab(run by, guess who, Ozcorp) goes awry, because of course it does. The result is a sort of virus that only works on some people, particularly younger folk. The cast will be a handful of teens(or children, if anyone wants to go younger) who gain similar powers to Spidey. I want to keep a strong theme with Spider-man's kind of motto; With Great Power, comes Great Responsibility. The characters would start off as just "regular" joes who have [i]just[/i] developed powers. Becoming a super hero is the obvious route, but not everyone will necessarily go that way. Everyone's powers will be based around the ones that Spider-Man has, but each individual might develop in a different way; having one particular aspect particularly strong(and perhaps lacking another one entirely as a trade off). I also would like to have a co-GM. Someone who can share my ideas for plotting, run NPCs and help keep things going if I become too busy in real life for any kind of stretch, as can happen to the best of us, of course. So, everyone let me know what you think.