'Awaken.' The taste of cold, salty, stone. The smell of old rust and mold. The sight of complete darkness. [b]"...Muu?"[/b] A familiar sound escaped her lips. Her name? A memory? Her mind felt weak, her body strong. 'Muu' didn't know. 'Muu' didn't remember. Was she supposed to remember? [s]This was... wrong. This was not right. It's strange. It's weird.[/s] ... No, she was not. This was normal. Perfectly acceptable. Muu existed. Perfectly fine and content with her existence in this dark place, together with these [i]others.[/i] A blinding light, piercing the comfortable darkness, forced Muu to squint her eyes for a moment. Giving Muu a whole new perspective. She could see herself, clad in a big, oversized sweater with matching sweatpants. She could see the guards. She could see the others. [i]And they could see her.[/i] The sudden realization of this trivial thought made Muu feel suddenly very, very uncomfortable. What were they whispering about? Did she do bad? Were they talking about her? It apparently mattered not, as a gesture of their hand quickly prompted them to follow. At first, the girl did not move. Watching meekly as the others left, one by one. A few minutes passed. Only when the chainmail dude stared at her for a second, before attempting to close the place and return eternal, comfortable, darkness, Muu's body moved by itself. Instinct? With quick, hasty, steps, Muu made it outside. The other guard, and the people she been with, where nowhere in sight. For a second, Muu glanced at the chainmailed dude. For a second, various thoughts filled Muu's head. But then, a newfound curiosity piqued her interest, and she wandered off, towards the east.