[right][sub][color=crimson]LOCATION[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Arthur's Bedroom[/color] [color=crimson]TIME[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Evening[/color] [color=crimson]INTERACTING WITH[/color] ⤑ Arthur [Crush] [color=crimson]FEELING[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Curious[/color] [/sub] [/right] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjExNi5mYTk5YmYuVkhKbFlXUWdRMkZ5WldaMWJHeDUuMA,,/thrones.alternative.png[/img] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/217970875/original.gif[/img] [img]http://jennifer-helene.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/divider_ribbon1.png[/img] [/center] Of [i]course[/i] he would notice how quickly she had arrived, and mentally Helene was banging her head against the wall. No! Don't overthink! God, the whole Alyssa situation was making her super paranoid. Willing herself to relax, she instead studied his face. If she could just stare at his smile all day, she'd honestly be a hell of a lot happier. His eyes always seemed to peer right into her soul, always studying her like she was some sort of painting. Like, the fact that he could look at anyone else but chose to look at her was a feat in itself. Of course, him being incredibly easy on the eyes helped, but he also had this dizzying charisma. Metaphorically speaking she was enamored from their first interaction. Of course, it was also mutual understanding that it was purely physical. A match set in heaven, they both get what they want, no messes, no strings attached. [i]Tell me, did Terrance approach you, or did you go to him?[/i] But at that moment Helene couldn't get Gigi's words out of her head. Not to mention despite her message, she wasn't actually there solely to go to bed with him. As he mentioned how quickly Arthur had left, she let out a laugh. "[color=lightsalmon]Hmmm...maybe it's...[/color]" Love? Oh no, she wasn't about to say that word, choosing not to finish that sentence. She needed to focus, but she was also in need of his body. Wow, if she was a spy, she'd be terrible. He teased her, asking if he was worth getting to his house so quickly. She gave him a shrug, pretending to think to herself as she pondered his question. "[color=lightsalmon]Actually...my new car is what got here so fast,[/color]" She said, pressing her chest into his. "[color=lightsalmon]Big sister decided to surprise me. Oh![/color]" She gasped. "[color=lightsalmon]I was supposed to say 'yes', wasn't I?[/color]" She teased him, biting her lower lip as her eyes went down to his. [hr] As expected, Alexander replied in a relatively short amount of time. Alyssa watched Gigi nervously, waiting to see what Alexander had told her. She had half a mind to just hand the phone over, but in the off chance that Alyssa randomnly decided to troll Alex like Helene did, she figured it was best she relayed the messages. "[color=orangered]He says not good. He has gone off the deep end...? What?[/color]" Gigi was entirely confused by the last part, though about six seconds later she came to her own conclusion. Wasn't it a common mistake to get high off your own supply? Oh well, not her business. As Gigi looked at Alyssa, she immediately regretted telling her, as Alyssa had gone from miserable to on the verge of tears. For two seconds until she burst into actual tears, her head in her hands as she cried. Oh God, now what? She couldn't say he was probably fine, Alexander went and admitted he wasn't. Argh, why the hell was she the one dealing with this?! [i][color=orangered]How unfortunate. I am with Alyssa, she told me they got into a fight. Even so, she asks for him, so I thought I would ask you. It's...odd. She is not well, either.[/color][/i] Gigi typed out her response and sent it, then scooted over closer to Alyssa. Eva usually rubbed someone's back when they cried, but the movement was just so awkward for Gigi that she ended up just patting on Alyssa's shoulder. [hr] Her eyes widened slightly at his words, her blush following almost immediately afterwards. So this could be a repeat? It wasn't just one time? At first, Eva greatly appreciated his generosity, watching his hand play with her hair. Of course, she wouldn't want to get him into any trouble. He was really going out of his way, wasn't he? Ugh, why was she so stuck on that? She needed to enjoy [i]now[/i]. There was no point in thinking about her stuff or money or a place--and honestly, taking a little break for one night would help her think later on. And so she mentally put a lock on anything that didn't have to do with Arthur and her in this very moment. She smiled at him, looking up at the ceiling for a moment before looking back at him. "[color=pink]I appreciate it, I really do,[/color]" She replied quietly. "[color=pink]I was thinking that we--[/color]" She caught herself, pausing for a moment. Shoot, that was probably too far. "[color=pink]What I mean to say is, i could give you a key. You can come visit me anytime.[/color]" [center][img]http://heartfull.life/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/04/divider_ribbon2.png[/img][/center]