Meesei's time taken failing her spells allowed Teroiah to strike at her ward again and again from different directions. Each impact upon her ward made the air around it crackle with competing spells. It was taking a lot of energy to maintain the ward against the chains. Focussing her ward in one direction may have been Meesei's saving grace. It allowed her the moment to cast her own violet chain. The dispelling chain's arc took immediate effect as it passed through the illusion around it. The crystal-like facets obscuring Meesei's vision made the appearance of getting sucked into the chain and disappearing on the way. The chain's trail left a clear view onto the other side of the illusion, including the shape of her opponent. Teroiah's face was pulled into shock and disbelief. The chain collided with her ward in a bright flash and an explosive snap, but it held as the chain dissipated. The spectators were unanimously dumbstruck. Vera gasped, making the only thing close to speech. "How did she...?" "How did you-?!" Teroiah collected herself as fast as she could. She was all but exposed, if not for her heavily damaged ward. All pretence of pride in her expression was lost to immediate focus. This time, the spell she brought made her palm seep mist in the telltale signs of a frost spell. She cast it forward as if it was a conventional ice storm spell, but a wave of power threw in behind it, blowing a chilling wind in Meesei's direction as a cone of mist and snow engulfed her vision. The wind blew stronger and colder by the second. Meesei's ward was holding, but its previous hits left it dangerously weak and only one more dispelling chain would shatter it. The amount of magicka in this last effort confirmed that Teroiah was trying to end the duel. Indeed, without a ward, such a spell would freeze the blood in even Meesei's werewolf skin and force a submission. This was the final moment of the duel. One of them would emerge the winner.