[@HamakazeKai] [@Cuddles 1438] [color=orange]"Damn lucky find then you got there. The flag itself is a nice touch too, it gives it an 'old-world' vibe."[/color] Bailey was displaying her tools of her trade rather proudly, Emil wasn't about to one upped by her and also wanted show off his weapons. He reaches over for his pack and returns the picture of his family back into the safety of his bag and begins pulling out the parts for his reliable laser RCW, "Cruel Virtue." Emil didn't even need to give any part a second look as he assembled the laser weapon in just under a minute and thirty seconds, showing how familiar he was with his weapon. [color=orange]"This laser RCW is my most relied upon weapon in almost any situation."[/color] He then plugs in one full charged Electron Charge Pack to its unique drum magazine like capacitor; bringing the whole gun to life with a quick electronic whine. [color=orange]"Found this little beauty back in California and she's been with me ever since I found her in that fateful ruins."[/color] He looks at it and cant help but smile at his almost expert modifications upon the gun. [color=orange]"The scope makes it easier for me to target baddies from a moderate distance and the enhanced capacitor makes sure that every individual laser pulse produced is most efficient in power usage but does not sacrifice any damage. Hell, I'm pretty sure the capacitor modification made her pulses hit harder."[/color] Emil ends with a satisfied sigh. [color=orange]"She is, as some would say, the poor man's Gatling laser."[/color]