The man stood there attentively as he kept watch over the family, while also listening to Sil. It was just as he presumed, which was good of him. He kept wondering what to do now. He was still tied between going upstairs to get people downstairs ASAP, or to stay down here. He then smiled, the choice was simple. But the endeavor afterwards would be tricky. He was going to stay here and fight what comes in. The presence of the owner, his family, and himself no doubt would be attention grabbing to these cultists and their plan for mayhem. Suddenly a voice. It was feminine, but very odd. He followed Sil a little bit to the window. "Now it starts..." He thought to himself as he saw this particular cultist out the corners of his eyes. This was totally one of the cult's head honchos coming after them. His hands began collecting some objects that he placed to the side. There was a grin of mischief as he executed his plans. "Sil come here. I'm going to need you to a task for me and then we can play a game together. Go find your master and tell him to get down here, there's a mean lady. Now if you do this fast enough we can do this game. See that mean lady over there? For this game I'm going to want you to do things to make her distracted and annoyed, like getting her to fall, throwing things, you know fun stuff. Now hurry up and find him and bring him here, so we can have some fun!" As Sil flew back he could only hope the promise of the reward would motivate her to hurry up and go find that guy and hopefully the others. His intuition told him this would be a tough fight to do alone and help would definitely be appreciated. He really didn't care if she ended up getting overwhelmed by the urge to play, because she would be of some use howe3ver dubious it would be. Plus her owner should be alerted at her delay to go back. "Whatever, it's not my problem he carries such a ditsy summon with him" He said to himself. After fiddling with the bottles some more he then popped up to "greet" the Sightless woman. The sound of a glass breaking filled the tense air. Shards of broken of glass and a shiny liquid coated both the cultist and the now destroyed window. The man just stink eyed her and waited for her incoming attack to dodge.