Name: Oleg Gender: Male Appearance: A pretty normal looking goblin, but one noticeable feature is that his eyes look constantly tired and he has dark circles around his eyes no matter how much sleep he gets. Personality: Oleg tends to keep to himself quite often and observes. "People-Watching" is one of his favorite things to do although in this case it should be goblin watching. Although, when you get him riled up and excited he becomes rather boisterous and playful as he tends to find a lot of things simply amusing. Laugh and the whole world laughs with you! Weep and you weep alone. Thus, he finds the folly of life to be funny as well. Past Life History: Oleg used to be a businessman. Meeting a lot of other people from different backgrounds and culture so that they could all do one thing. Make money. Rather odd if you think about it this way. But it was perhaps this experience of having to work 120 hours a week that led to Oleg's misfortune of being cursed in this life to always look tired as well. Skill (This is a rare ability that you are born with as a result of your past life. Ability as in One ability this ability could be anything that you learned from your past life like for example if you were an Olympic runner then you have the skill of speed being able to run faster or have higher agility. Just keep it reasonable.): Oleg seems to be able to pick up languages and communicate in a convincing manner... especially when making deals. (Charisma Boost) Other (anything you think should be put up): I'm a mighty Goblin! Although maybe not for long. Hopefully.