"You'll be the first person I get a hold of if I change my mind," came her reply, as she clicked a few items in her inventory and placed them i nthe enchantment slots for her mage's staff. They'd help with DoT spells and give a boost to healing buffs she could perform on her allies. Seeing Shadowblight's dot not far ahead of her on the mini-map, she continued moving along until she saw the bright green name above his chracter's head. Watching as he commanded his character to wave and bow in her direction, Kira herself giggled lightly and shook her head, only to return the gesture's with her character, named Kuroi for in-game purposes. She enjoyed the ineractions they could perform with their characters, it made her feel closer to those she played with, maybe a bit more "personable." "Well, then Deep Bog it is!" she said excitedly, typing in the quick command to make her Mage do a little dance. "I could really use a new staff for my Mage, and maybe we can try again tomorrow with my Ranger for a new bow or short sword." Smiling, she moved on over to Valdin,a nd while her character couldn't show her emotions, she was smiling and feeling the excitement bubble up within her. She loved going on adventures with her friend, a part of her wished it was more than just a game, that they could go on a real adventure. But she'd never admit that, in fear of scaring him away or making him think she was some weird crazy person. "Leead the way good sir!"