[@baraquiel][@Overlord24] [color=6ecff6]"it's ok, it also pleasure to meet you as well and it pleasure to meet Irah too."[/color] I say, for a minute there, I thought I was going to have only one friend here but I'm glad that I have made two more friends. I turn to Irah who ask us about our life as princess, I laugh at her last question if we even fart. [color=6ecff6]"Hahaha, huh, It's all right, I like to answer your questions." [/color]I say to Irah. [color=6ecff6]"Life in the palace is nice and all but sometimes, I get lost in the hallways. Yes, I do sing in the morning and party with the woodland creatures. I do always wear my ball gowns but most of the time I like to wear my casual and comfortable clothes. And for your last question, yes, I do fart but I do it in private. Is there any more questions I like to answer"[/color] I say to Irah with a smile on my face.