This day on the preserve was much like many others before it. Being summer the sun was hot, making the day about 90 degrees Fahrenheit. What made it even worse was the level of humidity pressed down upon the preserve. The only thing which made the day tolerable was a light breeze which brought cool air from the lake and rustled the leaves in the trees. Rick awoke before the sun, as was her usual. She ran a comb through her short, black hair and threw on a tank top, jean cut-offs, athletic knee socks, and steel-toed boots. The brownies had done a nice job taking out the scuffs and repairing the tear from yesterday’s climbing adventure. Instead of the gash, there was a hummingbird embroidered into the leather. Not really Rick’s style but she had to admit it was cute. She was up before Malcolm, which was happening often these days. It seemed to flux, but it seemed to be going on a bit longer than was usual. She was a bit worried about him. He either slept in or had not slept at all. Rick diligently started the coffee pot and the first batch went entirely into the first, ginormous mug. It was about the size of her head and it took some effort for her to carry it. It was, of course, a decaffeinated roast and she added just a bit of milk and sugar to it. She placed it on the railing of the back porch, inhaled deeply, and yelled out into the woods – [color=bc8dbf][b]“HUNTS COFFEE’S ON!” [/b][/color] Despite her small stature, the girl had some lungs on her. When she went back to the kitchen the second pot was almost done. She poured two reasonable sized cups and lifted one to her lips, enjoying the dark brew. She then rummaged through the cabinets to find sugar and milk from the fridge. She dumped some sugar into the cup, thought about it, and then dumped nearly a cup more in before adding the milk. She left it on the counter and downed the last of her own drink. No breakfast today. Ah well, she would rather starve than cook. From beside the doorway, she hefted a bag over her shoulder, clicked a ring of keys to her belt, and placed a wide-brimmed hat atop her head. The morning would be spent de-ticking the forest nixies. A fun job full of bites that could get potentially infected. As she exited the house, Baldwin scampered up to her. He was a golem concocted of rocks and so old that moss and flowers grew from him. His face was merely a boulder with two round indents that indicated eyes. He was also nearly half as big as the house. He had been a part of the preserve longer than Rick could remember. [color=bc8dbf][b]“Did you feed the livestock?” [/b][/color]she inquired of him. The golem slowly nodded. [color=bc8dbf][b]“And Bonnie, you made sure she did the milking and brushing?”[/b][/color] He nodded again. [color=bc8dbf][b]“Then yes, you can help.” [/b][/color] She golem moved to pick her up but she danced quickly out of the way. [color=bc8dbf][b]“Thank you for the offer, Baldwin, but I much prefer walking. The nearest N,ixie patch isn’t too far out.”[/b][/color] The golem bowed slightly and walked behind her. Despite his size the earth did not tremble nor did the trees seem to block his path. Their limbs and trunks bent and bowed out of his way.