Serena sat inside her cage, knees bent with her arms and head resting on them. She was patiently waiting for the inevitable that would take place sometime soon. She eyed those around her, wondering if the same lingering thoughts plagued them as well. Given their expressions though, the answer was obvious, at least concerning a majority of them. She noticed Greg was in his own little hell too, but he was never the patient type to begin with. She watched him while remaining undetected, hoping that the pain they were about to endure was especially hard on him. It was only fair, especially after everything he had put her through. But without warning, that moment came. Serena quickly got to her feet before pacing back and forth, her hands gripping the back of her neck. Her heartbeat picked up, and her breathing grew heavy and erratic. A few desperate moments passed before she fell to her knees, letting out a scream that was partly drowned out by the cries of some of those around her. Serena tried to keep her mind clear, focus on something other than the pain, or at least, trying to find a way to alleviate it. But unfortunately, just like every other time before, there was no escaping the punishment. She clawed at the ground, seeing first hand as the skin on her arm was replaced by a thick layer of fur. Her hands tensed, claws slowly growing out as her paws started to take shape. The transformation went on for who knows how long. All Serena knew at the time was pain, and the same intensity continued until every bit of her humanity was gone. She lay in a mess of her own fur, unfazed by the chaos around her well until she was relatively calm. Her senses now much more sharper, Serena quickly stood up, rushing out of her cage as freedom called out to her. She was unconcerned by the fights going on around her, instead, she was instinctively trying to go out into the night. That, and find some food...