[center][color=lightsteelblue][h2]Aoki Reyna Sandström[/h2][/color] [i]Location - Club Aether Mentions - Interactions - [@Silver Fox][@King Tai][/i][/center] [hr] Aoki didn't know what happened next. She could hear commotion behind her but in her drunken stupor she didn't care what was happening. All the cares about was closing her and resting against the warmth of Ashton's chest. She curled up and whined when they were finally out of the club and the cool air hit her bare legs and face. Aoki was so tired and her head spinning like crazy. When she felt herself be put down and sat in a hard surfaced she whined again, this time louder, and said something under her breath in Japanese. Aoki wanted to go back home and go to bed. She wanted to snuggle with her cats and just sleep until the spinning stopped. Instead, all she got was a hard bench and a coat over here, but she didn't complain. She just pulled the coat closer to her body and closed her eyes. "Bye bye Ash!" Aoki said when she heard Ashton leave to go back to what ever had been happening inside. After a few moments she opened her eyes and stared up at the pretty lady looking down at her. She smiled and pressed a hand over her hot red face. "I-I... I don't feel good, pretty lady." She said right before she leaned over to the side of the bench and emptied the contents of her stomach on the side walk. The taste was horrid, but the noise-- on the noise. No details. After Aoki was done she leaned back on the bench with Ashton's coat still over her and closed her eyes. "Ohhhhh... I'm never getting a date with the pretty lady now." Was the last thing she said before she started bawling her eyes out. Clearly, Aoki was not the best of drunks. [hr] [center][color=indianred][h2]karishma laghari[/h2][/color] [i]Location - Club Aether Mentions - Interactions - [@Conscripts][@Alex_The_Great][/i] [/center] [hr] [I]I should have been more clear.[/i] Karishma thought as she watched the cutie leave her on the bar alone. She looked back at the drink and shrugged, no drink should ever go to waste so she downed the liquor and followed the slightly shorter man. [I]Ah, I see. Must have thought I was insulting him.[/i] She smiled at the cutie and then at the man in the orange suit. Her bodyguard, Gabe, followed close behind her as she approached the two men. "I'm sorry if my words came out as rude, I didn't mean it that way," she turned to the man in the wheelchair. "I dig your style, love the color, goes well with you." She smiled and winked. "Hope you enjoy the drink, dear." Karishma brushed her long brown locks behind her shoulder. "I truly am sorry about the misunderstanding, should not have approached you if you already looked a bit pissed." She was about to say something else when a bottle broke and chaos erupted. She hadn't noticed the commotion happening just few steps away from them. It all seemed like a huge brawl and in just a second Gabe was pulling Karishma behind his towering figure to keep her away from the small group who seemed to be fending off angry fangirls. Maybe she wouldn't be stealing a kiss tonight, but a fight was just a tiny bit more exciting and this looked like it would turn to be a full on club fight. She almost wanted to jump in but her agent would give her shit if the media ever found out. At least there were no paparazzi yet.