[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/483721040351068180/487380903119683584/20180906_174931.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/77e5/f/2018/147/6/9/_original_character__mason__pixel_sprite_idk__by_crystal_amalgam-dccppvq.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b][center]Mason's Traits & Abilities[/center][/b] [i]It should be noted that Mason is not a human, he is a dysfunctional replica of a person created by technology and the sheer brutality of humanity. Mason has the mind of a psychotic and sadistic AI unit in the modified body of a human. He has certain traits and abilities that differ from regular humans.[/i] [u]Frozen Age[/u]: Mason cannot grow or develop physically, he will always look like an 11-year-old boy for his whole life. [u]Limited Regeneration[/u]: Mason can regenerate from certain injuries and cannot fall ill to sickness or infection. He does not have the ability to regenerate from fatal injuries, mortally wounding him is the only way to destroy him. [u]Optional Sleep[/u]: Mason does not need to sleep but does have the ability. Prolonged periods of no sleep will affect him physically and lead to fatigue sluggishness but has no impact on his mind. Mason can stay up for days or weeks at a time and be fine, a month is when he will start to experience weakness. [u]Optional Food Intake[/u]: Mason does not need to consume food or water to gain energy but still has the ability to, he has this ability due to his body’s regeneration ability. Although food is optional, it can raise his energy levels drastically and increase both his strength and stamina. [u]Knife-wielding[/u]: For reasons unclear, Mason has quite the talent with wielding knives. Blades are his weapon of choice with his favorite being a dangerously sharpened and reinforced Chef’s knife. He is very skilled with knives and always has one hidden away with him. If he is not able to access a blade, he will kill with his bare hands via strangling. Mason prefers to hunt down and toy with his victims before murdering them in the end. [u]Strength[/u]: Although Mason is a small child, he has above average strength due to his modified body. Mason could fight someone more than twice his size and take them down. His strength is mostly exhibited with his knife-wielding ability due to the severity of the wounds he can inflict and the force required to cause them. [u]Stamina[/u]: Mason does not get tired or exhausted easily, this ability allows him to fight for extended amounts of time without “breaking a sweat”. This also allows him to tire out his victims quickly and bring about their end. [u]Psychosis & Sadism[/u]: Due to his mind being almost completely artificial, it does not and cannot function like a regular human’s mind. He exhibits behavior and symptoms of a mentally insane person, delusions, and serious homicidal behavior. His bloodlust was taught to him during his time in Vista when he was forced to murder, he imprinted on it and now it is his only meaning to live. He derives a sense of accomplishment and pride brutally killing others. Mason’s morals are practically non-existent, and if they are, they’re completely backwards. He is extremely twisted and feels no remorse or empathy. Mason also cannot establish bonds or relationships with other human beings. He has no fear of hurting others or himself and only does so because he believes it to be his sole purpose for existence. Mason is also very power hungry and can be considered to be a megalomaniac, always obsessed with being more powerful than his victims. Mason cannot be cured or altered, he is, to say, “at the point of no return”. Therapy, medication, and drugs will have virtually no effect on his state of mind. Since his mental state cannot be healed, he should not be kept around other humans unless restrained and/or sedated. He is beyond reason and will not hesitate to kill, even without a weapon. Mason is also extremely vengeful and holds a serious grudge, he will kill those that he believes to have done him wrong. [u]Guilt[/u]: In his early days trapped in Vista, Mason used to experience short episodes of severe guilt after a murder. During these episodes, he would often cry and curl up in a corner as if attempting to hide. He would also mutter things repeatedly, often fragments of apologies. As time passed, these bouts of guilt would slowly vanish until he felt nothing at all. Around the time of Mason's escape from Vista, he no longer experienced guilt or sorrow. Instead, he was extremely vengeful and angry. [u]Theme Songs[/u](because I feel like adding it): Pale Machine - Bo en, Megalo Strike Back - Toby Fox, I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters, Bloody Nose - Jack Conte. [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/483721040351068180/487380961017987083/20180906_175025.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/483721040351068180/491797282027733012/image0.jpg?width=290&height=301[/img][/center] [center][i](^drawn by a friend on discord, I take no credit for this piece^)[/i][/center] [center][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/8f69/th/pre/f/2018/135/7/c/untitled_by_crystal_amalgam-dcbn5ju.png[/img][/center]