[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uvX201s.png[/img][/center] Location: Sherman Square Time: During the Hound attack [hr] [b][i] “So… do you have any bright ideas over how to deal those?”[/i][/b] The virus’ voice rang in Racheli’s ear. His shape stood just in the corner of her vision, about a meter behind her. She wasn’t surprised if she was the only one that could see him. The bastard liked to fuck with her, making her come off to be crazy to others. Before the woman, four large Mechs were menacing down on her. Their size rivaled two-story houses while the guns on their left arms raised upright and ready to fill her with bullets. Racheli could hear each tiny gear grind and squeak against each other the moment the gun was raised. Above, the rain and wind began to hammer downward. Each droplet tried to pierce into her coat. The water dripping along the creases before they rolled off onto the ground. Lightning streaked across the darkened skies as a loud crack followed in its wake. The flash illuminated her features in the darkness. Her mask obscured her sea-green irises flooded with the color of onyx. The guns fired. Metal bullets flew out of the muzzles, driven by the subtle flash of gunpowder and smoke. Racheli’s figure tried to move out of the way before the air around her warped. Abruptly the metal bullets slowed then stopped in place, held there by some invisible force. Rain and wind whipped about the still figures before the shells fell, useless, onto the ground. Their ringing drowned out by the storm. Racheli’s eyes widened in surprise. She hadn’t even raised her palm to stop them before realizing who had used her magnetic abilities, her head whipped to space just behind her. The Virus held a wicked, knowing smirk across his lips. His eyes fixed with hers to let her suspicions fester a moment more. [color=indianred] “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”[/color] She snapped. His smirk seemed to widen at being noticed then replied,[b] “Keeping you alive. You’re lacking training and knowledge over how to fully use your abilities. Most of all, you are lacking what’s the word… Ah, tactical skills.”[/b] He then pointed back at the threat looming over her,[b] “Try to keep your focus in the fight, not on me. I’ve warned you once already…this time it’s not training.”[/b] Racheli’s eyes widened in realization before a metallic fist rushed into her peripheral vision. It collided instantly just when she turned her head, the electrical energy erupting in her skull. She felt her feet leave the pavement as she was sent flying into the nearest building. Instinctively Rach’s arms wrapped about her head when she bashed into the wall. The concrete spiderwebbed from the impact point before she crumbled into the ground, cursing loudly. Weakly she pushed onto her hands and knees, trying to clear black blood from her vision. The mechs began to step forward with each rumbling step betraying their location. Unfazed by Rach’s failure to defend herself, the Virus casually walked to her fallen form. His arms held at his back’s nook while he navigated the shortest route to her. When he finally reached her, his figure leaned over. [b] “Will you…please listen to reason? Let me in or we’ll both die,”[/b] He calmly requested, hoping a less forceful demand might yield better results. [color=indianred] “Fine,”[/color] Rach snapped, getting tired of being a punching bag for the walking tin can,[color=indianred] “On one condition: No one is killed.”[/color] He began to protest,[b] “They are just hu-”[/b] [color=indianred] “Take it, or leave it!”[/color] Rach interrupted, finally wobbling to her feet. The Virus sighed then nodded his understanding,[b] “Very well. No one gets killed…”[/b] He lifted his arm to press to Racheli’s shoulder then vanished from sight, a small voice whispering in her ear. [b] “Now… just relax while I feed that violent nature of yours.”[/b] Then everything went dark. The Virus flexed his newly gained control as his head leaned to one side, then flipped to the other. Both motions made an audible crack making him smile. Slowly his arm raised once more and extended outward toward the nearest Mecha. Again energy warped about Racheli’s shell causing the magnetic metals to shake then screech upon being bent away from him. The mecha, either ignoring or unaware of the danger, jerked its arm back for another punch. It let it fly directly at the ‘helpless’ woman. The edge was met by an invisible wall as the Virus smirked, using Rach’s lips. His fingers then crushed into a fist, the palm still facing his target. Metal quickly crumbled inward like a tin can. The effect traveled from the knuckles to the forearm and up the bicep, making a path toward the cockpit. His other hand raised a finger then wiggled it side to side,[b] “Tsk, tsk. I shouldn’t expect humans to actually used the brain cells that evolution gave them. It’s expecting too much.”[/b] As fluid leaked through the ruined arm, the Virus tugged his arm back behind him. On cue, the mecha’s own arm was ripped from its socket then tossed to the side. Metal across the woman’s neck melted into small trails, traveling down the arms and into the hands. Long, wicked claws formed rapidly. Subtly a single trail from each clawed ‘glove’ had slithered along the side of the body into the soles of the feet. The Virus intended to use these paths to navigate the electrical currents into the ground where they would be harmless to him. As long as he kept his feet on the ground that is. Not wasting time, the Virus rushed forward. The right hand sliced into the mecha’s lower left leg as his magnetic field repulsed the limb into the one behind it. Electrical energy darted into the body only to be caught by the metal being used like a lightning rod. It scorned the leather enough to leave blackened lines across the sides where the path was located. Unbothered by the shocking he had received, his sixth sense alerted him to a new round of bullets coming in. Eyes jerked to the mecha he had knocked down with the thrown leg and watched it angle its gun arm upward. He twisted out of the way just when the muzzle had flashed. Meanwhile, his earlier victim was struggling to remain upright while on one single leg. The weight shifted then tilted finally to the right causing it to come toppling down. The virus ducked behind mass for cover, the bullet shredding the back. When the [b] “That’s not playing fair at all,”[/b] he noted then pulled away from his makeshift cover. The Virus twisted about to face his aggressors as his arms jerked upward, flipping the fallen mech into the air. It rotated in mid-air before it came crashing down on top of the remaining mechs. Feeling confident, he straightened his jacket collar then walked over to finish the job. A mistake because one of the machines managed to angle their gun from the tangled mess and opened fire. When the bullets stopped... Racheli's body fell back onto the ground. Water slowly tainted by black coloring spreading from her torso.