[h1][b][i][color=#2E8B57][center]Daniil Sim[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr] Daniil smiled and nodded. [color=#2E8B57]”See you on the other side.”[/color] He rose from his seat and followed Drake out. There was now a steady stream of students heading downstairs and being directed to specific cages. Everyone had a certain cage it seemed, based on years of turning and strength. He was placed into a sturdy enough cage and walked the perimeter of the cage a couple of times before stopping in the middle. He stripped off his shirt and kicked off his socks and shoes, tossing them into a corner. Clothes were hard to come by, especially when you were his size and weren’t exactly made of money. The tension was high and the nerves made the hair on Daniil’s arm stand on end. Thank goodness for these cages for with this many werewolves in one area from multiple packs, with different standings in those packs. He could only imagine the fighting that would go on. Daniil was a fighter in his pack but he fell more in the middle, able to hold his own with most but wasn’t a match for any alpha. At least not yet. He looked down the way to see if he could see Drake. He had been here for three years already and by the fight he witnessed this afternoon, holds his own rather well. A resounding echo sounded as the locks were placed on each cage, then almost one by one the screams started and the sound of breaking bones and ripping flesh tore through the basement. Couldn’t they have gone with better soundproofing? The sound alone was unbearable and seemed to speed up Daniil’s transformation, which wasn’t a blessing. His screamed ripped into a growl as he shifted from two feet to four paws. He shook and trembled, blacking out while the change took over his body. His head snapped to attention, black-tipped ears shifting when the locks opened once again. His hackles rose and a low growl erupted from his throat as he edged to the newly opened cage. Even without his animistic instincts, Daniil knew something wasn’t right. Werewolves were attacking each other left, right and center and a few presented themselves to challenge Daniil. He rose to the occasion, happily taking out who came towards his grey form. Daniil was built for the colder weather so there was a bit more muscle to him then most, but he was still smaller than a few in his own pack back home. Daniil used the size difference to his advantage when they were back home so he used it here as well. Although blunt force was easy with most of them as the beast took over basic instincts and made them well, rather stupid.