[@burnski] As rain begins to fall over the town, Beornraed meets his commander in front of the manor. He was holding a piece of parchment with a crimson staurogram as a header. "We've received word from the monastery; the new Justiciar wants to make your acquaintance. Probably another showy layabout, like the rest of his lot." he scoffed, crumpling the missive in his hands.[hr][@bloonewb] Mildemaer barreled through the heavy wooden door shoulder-first, and held it open so Sibley could get through with her. She gave her now blonde friend a puzzled look. "Did something happen?" she asked, not really sure what to think. She set the pup down on the floor and he scurried into the next room, just to be carried back in by a bearded Welshman. "I'm not telling you again, Cyn, the whelps have to stay in the barn. They shouldn't spend so much time away from their mothers..." his thoughts trailed off as he spied the unexpected guest in his doorway. "Seeking refuge, daughter of Þunor?" he asked simply.[hr][@Simple Unicycle] His smile widened, eyes yet dark. "Certainly." Alexius remounted his horse and looked down at Garod, once more sullen and serious. "I'm expected at Celnaer Manor. You'll come to the monastery at dusk. Farewell." With that the judge started back down the road, he on his horse and Wilmot walking faithfully beside him. She turned around once to wave at Garod, smiling pleasantly, before carrying on with her master.