[quote=@Star Lord] And the issue should be fixed (I hope to God). [/quote] Why do your posts do that, it upsets me. [hider=The Fastest there is...] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/78/eb/36/78eb369ef230b472c1a1c95658d20107.png[/img] [b]Iris West [i]The Flash[/i][/b][/center] [b]Powers And Abilities:[/b] [i]Connection to the Speedforce[/i] - Iris West is the main conduit of the Speedforce in our world but she is [i]not[/i] the source of it. This connection grants her many different abilities, the main one is her [i]Superhuman Speed[/i]. So far she can break the soundbarrier though Barry Allen, her confidant, believes that she can surpass that if she tries harder. Most of her [i]abilities[/i] relate to her being able to travel at high speeds. From her body being more durable, to increased reflexes. [i]Journalist[/i] - She's an investigative Journalist, and good at what she does. Sure, Superspeed helps that. Though even before she became [i]The Flash[/i] she was the best reporter in Central City (in her opinion). [b]Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):[/b] [i]Childhood[/i] Iris' childhood wasn't as complex and complicated as it is for other heroes. She didn't lose both her parents early in tragically. In truth she doesn't even know what happened to her mother, she just disappeared one day when she was young. Her father told her that she simply left, and why would she not believe him? It hurt her yes, but soon she ended up needing to be strong for her friend, Barry Allen. When one fateful night Nora Allen was killed, Barrys father Henry was the prime suspect and taken away. Later to be incarcerated at Iron Heights Penetentiary. Barry always believed he was innocent, and claimed that a man surrounded by lightning killed his mother. Of course the courts ruled this as a childs brain trying to find an answer for a truly horrific act. Barry went into the care of Daryl Fyre. A friend of his mothers, the two remained close over the years as they each went into their respective careers. [i]Lightning[/i] Iris' graduated from college and decided to take her career in being a reporter. It wasn't a terribly easy road to follow, but investigative journalism just seemed like a natural choice for her. She had always had a knack for finding out information, getting the story and she believed in what journalism was about. She believed that people had a right to know what was going on in the world, and that giving people as much information as possible could allow them to make the best decisions. Ironic then that she would later go on to adopt a secret identity. Throughout her early twenties much of her time was spent either at Central City News trying to climb up the editorial ladder, or at CCPD. While she couldn't get information on every case, for obvious reasons, she still had a way of getting access to the lab while Barry was there. It came to the point that few questioned her presence, Director Singhs only condition on her having access was that Barry didn't give her any information pertaining to ongoing cases beyond the official police statements. It was during these visits that Barry and Iris even found enough information to get his father released from jail, it was a lifechanging place. One stormy night, Iris was waiting for Barry to get back from wherever it was he was always running off too. Probably to get some more food, it was amazing how that man always managed to be late. The memory of the night was a fog, all she remembers is that Barry arrived. He went to sit in his chair but she ran and sat in it instead, in a bid of defiance and to show her announce at him making her wait. The next thing she knew she felt this current flowing through her body the likes of which she couldn't have even imagined, before she blacked out. [i]The Flash[/i] When she awoke she was in a Central City Star Labs facility. There she met Doctor Harrison Wells, renowned scientist who informed her of the changes that the lightning had seemingly done to her body. Over time her powers grew, and confiding in Barry she decided that she wanted to use these powers for good. He recommended the name 'Flash' after a hero he used to read about in comic books as a child. It wasn't easy, the first foe she faced was someone who was some form of 'Weather Wizard' and controlled the weather with a wand and she had to learn how to run up buildings in order to stop him. That said with each victory she seems to learn something new about herself, and her abilities. She doubts there is anything that she can't face. [b]What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:[/b] Obviously I've gone with the old 'Love Interest is the Hero' thing. Though I still have plans for Reverse Flash and Barry Allen that are very interesting, and I can't wait to tell. Before anyone asks, no Barry is not Reverse Flash. I'm running the twist that Iris is the Flash and adjusting everything so it still fits together nicely. Some of the rogues will remain unchanged while some of them will see substantial differences through the course of the Roleplay. I also want to have Barry be the intelligent one, something the CW show quite often forgets in lieua of Caitlan or Cisco. [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] [i]William West[/i] - Her father, and rolemodel. William is a police officer in CCPD, and was formerly in the Army until his wife passed away from a drug overdose. [i]Barry Allen[/i] - Barry has been in her life forever, and sometimes she thinks there is a spark there. He's been through some hard times, and so has she and they've always been there for eachother. Most recently they both got his dad released from prison. He's a CSI with CCPD, the best they have (Despite always being late). While Iris has the help of Harrison Wells she relies on Barry for his scientific and investigatory knowhow, somehow he has a unique approach to thing that she really needs. [i]Henry Allen[/i] - Henry Allen is Barry Allens dad. For most of his life he was imprisoned for killing his wife, Nora Allen. Recently Barry uncovered evidence that Henry was innocent and subsequently Henry Allen was freed and cleared of all charges. He's been living with Barry until he can get his life back on track. [i]Harrison Wells[/i] - Harrison Wells was the first to learn about Iris' identity as the Flash. Known as the 'smartest man in central city' Iris' father brought him in to help her when she was hit by lightning. With Barry Allen they are working to understand and hone her powers. [b]Rogues so far:[/b] [i]Weather Wizard:[/i] Weather Wizard was the first foe she faced, Mark Handon. He used a piece of technology in order to rob banks and other establishments. Currently residing in Iron Heights penetentiary. [i]Trickster:[/i] The Trickster is actually the second iteration, and despite foiling his plans at destorying much of the city in what would be a 'trick' Iris has been unable to catch the Trickster and put him away for good. [i]Heatwave:[/i] Pyromaniac, currently behind bars for burning down a bar after a bar fight. [b]Character Picture:[/b][hider=Out of Costume] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/2/2f/Iris_West_%28Prime_Earth%29_0001.png[/img][/hider] [b]Sample Post:[/b] [color=fff200]"You know that's a terrible mask, right?"[/color] Iris looked up from her plateful of pancakes. Benefit of superspeed? Fast metabolism. She could eat as much as she wanted and not gain any weight. [color=f7976a]"What do you mean?"[/color] Barry pushed forward the newspaper, the headline read [i]FLASH DEFEATS HEATWAVE[/i] and below was a picture of Iris in her full costume standing over a defeated Heatwave. What the image didn't really tell you was how much she wished she had also been blessed with superstrength, carrying people around wasn't exactly easy. [color=fff200]"The mask. It barely covers any of your face, it's more like a... cowl."[/color] [color=f7976a]"Sho?"[/color] Barry flashed a scowl in her direction and she swallowed. [color=f7976a]"So, lots of heroes use [i]cowls[/i]. There's that Batman guy-" [/color] [color=fff200]"Nobody has a single photograph of him. So that's a terrible arguement."[/color] [color=f7976a]"Okay, well..."[/color] She paused for a second. [color=f7976a]"Superman."[/color] [color=fff200]"What?"[/color] She pointed her fork right at Barry. [color=f7976a]"Superman. He doesn't even [i]wear[/i] a mask. Ever think about that. Huh, [i]smart guy?[/i] Okay sure there's a chance someone gets a photograph of him, and the guy behind the... well. Behind the cape, then sure they can maybe put the dots together. With me, you don't even gate a full face shot. Besides, nobody can get suspicious for me being near the scene of a crime because I'm a journalist. I get paid to stick my nose into other peoples business."[/color] Barry just sighed as he turned back to his laptop. He was running diagnostics on her suit in her appartment, these 'sleepovers' were getting more and more frequent, in fact both their fathers raised eyebrows at what they were doing. Part of her wondered if they'd be happirer with the truth that she was secretely a superhero, or if they would rather they were sleeping together. She knew at least her father would rather she was sleeping with Barry. He had fought her tooth and nail when she used to entertain the idea of joining CCPD like her father, he wasn't terribly happy with her being a reporter either. The only consolation he had was that [i]she didn't partake in the chaos, merely monitor it[/i]. Iris usually heard those words twice everytime she met with her father, as if he was trying to brainwash her to keep her out of trouble. It was a little too late for that, two months so. In all honesty the suit could use some tweaking. She wasn't entirely sure how aestethic she wanted to get with it, though she knew she wanted to include lightning in the design somehow, more than just having the jagged edges and the yellow. [color=f7976a]"Tell me my suit sucks when you find a fashion designer who'll design my supersuit."[/color] [color=fff200]"Your-"[/color] Barry looked up at her with a raised eyebrow, before sighing and bringing his palm to his temple. There was silence before he laughed. [color=fff200]"-Your supersuit? That's real original.[/color] There was an explosion in the distance, and before Barry could blink the suit was off the table and Iris had it on. Hairs atop his head moved slightly as they were displaced by the movement.[color=f7976a] "Well, that's my cue."[/color] [color=fff200]"You'll be back in a Flash, right?"[/color] [color=f7976a]"Oh please, don't say that."[/color] She playfully smacked him on the back of the head, and then was gone. [/hider]