[@Plank Sinatra][@Krayzikk] [B]Bank[/B] The teller, a bored-looking (his expression immediately transformed into one expected of all customer service representatives around the globe when he caught sight of the duo of lovebirds) young man with curly black hair, took a moment to respond, a result of the decreasing use of cash amongst the youth of developed countries. With the advent of cards, fewer and fewer individuals world have physical currency on hand, with holdouts mostly residing in countries with a propensity for poorer digital security or in a higher age bracket. Given that Academy City was neither lagging behind in conventional data protections (with exception given to the ease with which its large population of Electromasters - 9000+ - could hack into seemingly secure systems) nor full of old geezers and hags, the teller was evidently somebody who was not used to cash, and thus the concept of a "deposit". Employers just sent the money straight to your accounts anyway. "Ah," said the teller. "A deposit, right? I can do that." A quick nod followed the proclamation, as to emphasise that yes, he could overcome the circumstances of his birth to do his job in handling physical currency, even while the product of a cashless society. "But what seems to be the problem?"