Looking for a huge Harry Potter fan who knows all the details of the Harry Potter universe. I know the universe pretty well, but I can't tell you the ten uses of dragon's blood (though I know one is Oven Cleaner). Essentially what I'm looking for is a partner who will create a shared roleplay / story which takes place in the Harry Potter universe. This will be very Out-Of-Character heavy as we'd discuss each post which we'll work on together, so instead of a back and forth post style, we post one single update that comprises our shared ideas and writing into one. I'd be happy to take the lead in the writing, or I could take on the role of an editor and help shape things. The goal would be to have a roleplay / shared story which could be read by a third party as a piece of (fan) fiction, since I love rereading roleplays I've been a part of and I'm looking for something that's a little more concise and thought-out. What would the story comprise? I tend to think more in character than in plot, so here's a few characters that could be in the roleplay: - Two muggle-born best friends both get letters to go to Hogwarts. They're put into different houses. Their friendship is tested as life at Hogwarts pulls them into different lives. - A student loses both their wealthy wizard parents, having to stay with their only remaining relative, a muggle family. This student is in their second year (at least) and discovers that their cousin, who they formerly wrote off as a muggle, is a wizard. - A fan of the Harry Potter books and movies wakes up to a new life in the Harry Potter world. They discover their new self is a wizard and they are given the opportunity to be a student at Hogwarts. Plus other smaller ideas. If interested shoot me a PM. I like in the UK so please bear that in mind.