It was late that night and Dr.Daniel was still in her lab in an undisclosed location somewhere around the city. While she was busy typing away on a keyboard about her latest findings on a previously done experiment, suddenly she got an rather impromptu message late that night. As the notification on her keyboard signaled, her eyes moved over and noticed the image on her screen summoning her. She quickly saved her research and then opened up a channel. Suddenly she would see a black silhouette faded out on her computer as she typed a few commands and turned up the volume on her pc. "My sources say that a certain little blue hedgehog has been spotted around town as of late,Daniel. I want you to deal with him." An all too familiar forceful and demanding voice said to her as she turned on the live feed. "Sonic, you want me to intercept and combat him at this hour at night, don't you think it's a tad bit late for a ambush, sir?" Ophelia asked. "My dear, I pay you to be on call 24/7. It is in your contract to be ready at a moment's notice to deal with that meddlesome rodent and his pesky friends when I feel the need. Now, whatever you're working on isn't as important as the capture of Sonic. I want you to be ready and out there to capture him while he has his guard down. Are we clear, Daniel?" "Of course sir, I don't usually go to bed for about three more hours so I think I can deal with Sonic if he's in the vicinity. You can count on me!" She said on her microphone into the computer. "I better, I'm paying you a lot of money and not for your research. Now, get out there and capture Sonic before he gets away!" Dr.Eggman ordered. "At once, sir!" She said as she turned off the feed and stood up before stretching. While it was in the evening, Ophelia knew it was best to at least attempt to capture the doctors's nemesis instead of disobeying his orders. She needed the money and to look like she was lazing around on the job would be inexcusable. Thus the doctor quickly moved over to grab her purse and raygun. Thankfully she hadn't changed for her night clothes and was still in her normal black combat dress, minus her pink slippers at the door of course. The slightly tall salmon pink fured vulpine quickly turned on her security system and walked out of her basement to her living room before proceeding to her door. However, when she opened her door she saw that her two children, Cyrus and Cyrene were still playing videogames in the living room as she moved down the hall. "Now kids, mommy has to run a night errand, so I want you two to go to bed around 9:00." She said to her kids as they paused their game and looked around at her. "Aww, do we have to?" Cyrene asked her "Yes honey, sleep is crucial for your education." Ophelia replied to her daughter. "Okay, but come back soon mom." Cyrus said as he looked at her with his sibling. "I'll try to, I just have been called for a very important business matter to attend to. Now when you're done with your game remember your bedtimes. I do not want to have to wake you up late tomorrow morning, are we clear?" She asked them now with a hint of sternness in her voice. "Yes ma'am" both of them said as they nodded. After she made sure both of them had heard her demand and were unaware of what she was about to do she calmly moved over to the door and put her slippers on. She acted calmly and tried to make it seem like this was going to be yet another boring business call, yet in reality she was preparing for a rather sporadic clash with Sonic.