Spark was in a strange mood, not really sure of anything right then. It was not just her either. As she walked she joined one other, then as they kept walking more and more arrived until a good 50-60 children walked alone into the middle of nowhere, nearly all too terrified to even think about approaching a settlement until everybody was too hungry to complain. It was nearly midnight, and it took hours of arguing between thevolder kids, something Spark was glad she had not been a part of. Eventually though, they had to go, sending a party of older kids into a strangely quiet town at the edge of the forest the rest hid in. The little town was quiet, no torches burning or smoke rising to be seen. The buildings themselves were of simple make, sturdy and made of the wood from the nearby forest. The cultivated land nearby betrayed the small settlement's farming origin. Spark had not been chosen to go with the older kids, but she snuck along anyways until they were too far into the village to argue. They were there for supplies of any kind, food, water, blankets. Ways to defend themselves would not go amiss, but they were children and this was a farming village, there would not be too many useful items. The fight that happened here did not last long, a fact apparent by the multitude of bodies that lay still in the center of the village, a group that thankfully was devoid of children. Spark avoided looking at the dead, she was reminded of the undead that attacked when she was 7, easily repelled but frighteningly persistant. Spark almost half expected these bodies to getvup as well.