With the tears forming in his eyes coupled with his terrible eyesight and lack of glasses, Eunha could only stare blearily at the short note that hung in front of him and a few others. He couldn't tell any defining features of these people, but he could very well tell that they were just as confused as he was. Even if he could read the note that greeted him upon waking in such a strange place, it would not quell his quick heart and utterly terrified expression; in fact it would probably make it multiple times worse. What was he even doing before he fell asleep and ended up here? He could tell he was wearing a simple t-shift and shorts, but it wasn't something he could use to determine where he was currently. He didn't have his glasses on him and both of his wrists were firmly wrapped in offset white bandages, which were immediate red flags if the boy could focus on what was going on. Instead he was just staring at what he assumed was other people moving around in blurry messes Eunha couldn't process, tears freely rolling down his cheeks as he sucked in a weary breath in attempts to calm his trembling form. [color=khaki][b]"I don't u-understand wh-what's...[/b][/color] He sobbed quietly in his Korean mother tongue, his eyes practically shining because of the tears in the them. [color=khaki][b]...I-I want to g-go h-home...[/b][/color] He hiccuped soon after, too distraught to realize that no one could probably understand him. Instead his eyes darted to and fro, his arms rubbing each other in attempts to relax.