The question of cities has risen, and I will introduce my proposal to it: Night City. The megalopolis to trump all megalopoli, Night City was born out of multiple cities growing together and megacorporations simply shrugging and figuring "it's better to have more avenues for business than try to stop the spreading, even if it causes a bit of competition." Hell, they might well have seen it as a chance to simply expand their own business like so many times before, until they realised that every other company had the same idea. In short, Night City is the size of the West Coast of USA and then some, reaching up North to Vancouver and down South just a bit across the Mexican border. Night City has it all: Slums (aka Combat Zones, pretty much a no-go as described), numerous Chinatowns, the occasional middle class residential area, and a massive amount of corporate zone of pretty much only the highest end housing for those with the cash and the workplaces for those who can afford to be even considered for work in high-end corporate business. As for the level of chrome included, sure, options are many. But especially for those who would rely on underground Ripperdocs for the installation (not necessarily licensed cyberware install services, cheap and available for anyone unlike more reputable Trauma-Team[sup]TM[/sup] cyberware clinics or, heavens forbid, privately utilised megacorp augmentation workshops) might encounter cases of early onset cyberpsychosis. After all, when you are augmented to be so much better than a human, why should you care of what happens to the squishy meatbags? Their fault for being so vulnerable!