All in all the place was terrifyingly quiet, smelt of rot and generally made Spark wish she stayed behind. After waiting to watch the others split up, she ducked into a small building, the edges of her hair lit and casting a soft orange glow on the inside of what seemed to be a chicken coop containing a single chicken who stared at Spark with a single unblinking eye. Needless to say Spark was immediately smitten. Walking out carrying the newly warded and concerningly patient chicken in her arms. Spark wandered around, checking up on the bird every so often. It seemed to blink very rarely if at all and seemed to take interest in the strangest things, such as the tiny flames that flickered across Spark's body. While the chicken was a goldmine in Spark's opinion, she knew the others would be angry if she did not find something of real value. It was then she noticed the larger of the buildings, an obvious residence to a sort of landowner. Spark remembered her father complaining about a particularly old and stubborn man, and the etchings above the doorway matched the shaky signature of the old man in question. Ducking into the doorway was the moment Spark noticed the others were there, it was useless at that point to hide really, being a literal living torch holding a now audibly complaining chicken that, while completly still, clucked and grumbled at every flickering shadow. [color=orange] "[i] Surprise I guess, look what I found. " [/i] [/color] Spark sounded absolutely thrilled about her find, while the chicken meanwhile kept its eyes on the particularly long shadow to their left, clucking in what can only be described as a threatening tone.