[h2]Mordred[/h2] "Haaah, that meeting was a drag," complained Mordred, hands in her pockets as she strolled down the street. At the moment, she was in the need for some breakfast. Something that didn't include talking to some shorty with a marshmallow floating behind her and a lady who had way too much in common with a cow. If [i]anything[/i] important came of that meeting, she knew she'd hear about it later. So there was no reason for her to hang around and be bored out of her skull, now, was there? There really wasn't. Scanning the streets, she noticed a convenience store ahead, and strolled in to push the door open. Yeah... the blonde knight needed some breakfast. After a moment, she snatched a candy bar off the shelves and walked up to the counter, slamming the required yen down. Before the clerk could say anything, Mordred had opened the candy bar and walked out, chowing down. Yeah... this was an easy breakfast, right? She left the surprised clerk long behind as she headed back out onto the street. Haah... what was she going to do today, then? [@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze] [hr] [h2]Konpaku Youmu[/h2] The entire meeting after one of the people on the other end had insulted her and more importantly Yuyuko-sama and stormed out had felt sour to the small half-phantom. Still, she couldn't deny that going out to eat sounded appealing... though she was more then a little worried about what Yuyuko-sama would be ordering. And indeed, Youmu's concerns were almost immediately brought into reality when they sat down and looked at the menus. "Eh-heh, Yuyuko-sama..." Youmu sighed. All of them? Yuyuko-sama wanted to order one of everything? ... It wasn't even surprising, really... it was nice getting eat with her regardless. "I guess I'm not surprised at all." Some small part of her had always wondered if certain features of Yuyuko were influenced by the amount of food that she ate. The rest of Youmu blushed whenever that thought came to her mind and tried not to think about that any longer. As she looked over the menu, however, the small white-haired girl was quickly overwhelmed. There were... many options. And she didn't recognize any of them. Some of them looked a little like foods she was more familiar with... except they had many ingredients she didn't know much about, and names she didn't recognize. "... E-er..." Finally, she pointed at something creamy, with a poached egg and pieces of what she guessed were some kind of pork-based product in it. "... This?" [@KoL][@Crusader Lord][@PKMNB0Y][@TheFake][@Raineh Daze]