[centre][i]Captain of the Guard Shagal Ikondu's Report Regarding the Decree of the Majestic King (may he reign a hundred-hundred lifetimes) on Uhulmikown the Warlock[/i] [img]https://i.imgur.com/uBLkEyP.png[/img][/centre] Troops moved in after sunset. The compound was encircled and all its inhabitants ordered to come out in peace. No one emerged. Troops were ordered to seize the compound and pacify all occupants. The warlock was not found. Only women and children were present. They ransomed themselves with one pound of silver. We have deemed it necessary that their release be postponed until such a time that orders from above descend regarding their ultimate fate. One man, a son-in-law of the warlock, was also seized. He was thrown into the the scorpion pit when the sun was highest in the sky. The search for the warlock and his associates continues. The city has been locked down.