[right][sub][color=crimson]LOCATION[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]School Courtyard[/color] [color=crimson]TIME[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Afternoon[/color] [color=crimson]INTERACTING WITH[/color] ⤑ Arthur [Boyfriend] [color=crimson]FEELING[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Blissful.[/color] [/sub] [/right] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjExNi5mYTk5YmYuVkdobElFNWxlSFFnVTNSbGNBLCwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/homerun.regular.png[/img] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AdeptDigitalIberianbarbel-size_restricted.gif[/img] [img]http://jennifer-helene.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/divider_ribbon1.png[/img] [/center] Her favorite food? Food was substance, the taste and shape didn't really matter so long as it fueled her. Alexander was like an alien, his words trying to communicate things that didn't register with her. She stopped midchew to stare at him, her eyes flicking to his tupperware, and she wasn't sure what to do next. Take it? No, that wasn't hers, her sandwich was fine. It was always fine. As she finished, she tried to think of an appropriate answer. She basically ate the same thing almost every day, the only time she really differentiated was for desert. "[color=orangered]...Flan is nice,[/color]" She replied with a shrug. Something around them changed, and she turned her head to see Eva and Arthur walking through the courtyard together. For the moment, Eva wouldn't press what Arthur said. As much as it delighted her to hear him call [i]her[/i] his girlfriend, the realization that Isabelle had lied made her blood boil. Honestly, it was her own fault for not seeing it coming; Isabelle and Victoria would probably have been best friends if they were in the same school. And considering how much Victoria loved to manipulate her, she should've seen Isabelle's lies coming. But Eva was getting the last laugh as he took her hand in his, and she didn't think she could be any happier than she was right now. She was his [i]girlfriend[/i]. Girlfriend! And he was her boyfriend! And it wasn't some fantasy she had, nor was she something hidden, he walked side by side with her like he was showing her off. Well, actually it looked perfectly normal, but considering Arthur didn't so much as look at another girl before Eva, this was a pretty grand public display of affection on his part. Gigi shook her head, though she definitely noticed Terrance looking at her. He was obviously having just come back from meeting up with Helene, and she found herself slightly annoyed. Why did she think Helene could get what they needed out of him if they just jumped on each other when they met? Still, Terrance's look wasn't a welcoming one. That was her cue to go, it seemed. Alexander and his friends talked about other things she didn't really care about as she packed her bag once more, and she would stand, brushing crumbs off her skirt. "[color=orangered]That won't be necessary. Take care,[/color]" She patted Alexander's head and then walked off, deciding to go look for Helene. Eva watched Gigi leave, though she turned to Arthur, her eyes shining. "[color=pink]You should come to my recital tonight,[/color]" She told him quietly, smiling. "[color=pink]It's...um, it's kind of a big deal? I mean, I won't bore you with the technicalities, but if you could, I'd love for you to come.[/color]" [hr] "[color=coral]He's getting closer, but [i]how[/i]?[/color]" Evan kept his eyes on his phone, Ariadne's voice coming from his bluetooth device. Gigi's message had alerted them to her suspicions about the body found on Munez territory. After pulling some strings, Ariadne successfully confirmed that it was indeed one of Bastien's men. Closer and closer he was getting, and at that point, Ariadne's sweep turned into a full on manhunt. She needed to find him before he found Helene, but she was at a loss trying to find where the hell he was getting her location from. Evan himself had decided that he would remain in the city, choosing to watch his younger sister at a distance. He was still on the fence to see whether or not to tell her, though he knew at the very least Giselle needed to be informed. He didn't doubt her skills, but he couldn't help but wonder if she was enough. On the other hand, if he increased security around Helene, that was as good as exposing her. "[color=darkorange]Clearly our efforts to deter him have inadvertently gotten his attention,[/color]" Evan concluded with a cluck of his tongue. "[color=darkorange]If I'm being honest, I'm slightly more concerned about the push back from the Munez family. Who knows how they'd react knowing we're here in hiding.[/color]" "[color=coral]By having a dick comparison contest, how else?[/color]" Ariadne huffed. "[color=coral]Where are you going, anyway? You left without saying anything.[/color]" "[color=darkorange]Going straight to Helene's school, I'd very much like to give her this information in person,[/color]" Evan admitted as the limo pulled up in front of the campus in time for the dismissal bell. "[color=darkorange]I'll let you know what happens.[/color]" He exited the car, signaling for the driver to go on without him, and Evan strolled up to the gates. Seeing an older gentleman so well dressed definitely got some students' attention, and he obliged a few of them with a smile, but his eyes scanned the area. The school was well watched so long as you remained on campus, which was comforting, but Helene wasn't the type to stay in school any longer than she needed. His little sister could be seen in the distance, and he waved at her. Once she spotted him, she hurried over. "[color=lightsalmon]Evan?[/color]" Helene was definitely surprised as she and Gigi approached him. "[color=lightsalmon]What are you doing here?[/color]" He flashed a smile, crossing his arms. "[color=darkorange]Just dropping in,[/color]" He said, giving Giselle a wink, though he spotted a familiar looking blonde girl with a guy. "[color=darkorange]Is that Evangeline? Wow, she turned out gorgeous,[/color]" Evan grinned, remembering her from the first time Helene had brought her to the house. "[color=darkorange]Who's her friend?[/color]" Evan asked, squinting at Arthur. His face looked familiar to him, not that he ever met the guy, but his face and long hair reminded him of the Myles family trademark. "[color=orangered]Boyfriend,[/color]" Gigi corrected him. "[color=orangered]And that is exactly who you think it is: Arthur Myles.[/color]" [i]The[/i] Arthur Myles? Evan had absolutely no idea how someone so ruthless could have captured Little Evangeline's heart. She was a sweet girl, and he was...well, that [i]did[/i] bring the question of just how much she knew of the Myles family, but last he checked, Evangeline herself had no connections to their world, so the poor thing was probably clueless. Evan was pretty sure Arthur was still active in his field, so the entire situation was completely bizarre to him. He simply nodded, completely unsure of how to properly respond to the news. "[color=darkorange]To be young and in love...[/color]" He decided a generic phrase was best, and as he looked at Helene's surprised expression, he raised an eyebrow at her. "[color=darkorange]I suppose this is news to you?[/color]" Of course it was! Helene had been so preoccupied with literally everything else that she really hadn't been keeping up with Eva's progress on Arthur. Last she checked she had made the move on him and--no, she was living with him? Did she miss a step? No, she had no idea because she hadn't bothered to check on her friend. Her guilt hit her hard as she watched Eva with Arthur, the blonde girl's adoration for Arthur radiating off of her. They actually got together. She should have been glad, but it meant that she was successful in pushing Eva to Arthur despite her original intention. Gigi didn't seem interested, looking at Helene. "[color=orangered]We should get going,[/color]" She said, trying to get Helene's attention. She seemed to snap out of it, nodding in agreement. "[color=lightsalmon]Y-Yeah...We can talk at my house.[/color]" [center][img]http://heartfull.life/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/04/divider_ribbon2.png[/img][/center]