Commander Hutch pushed himself up of the central console, the lights dimmed as an alarm buzzed through the ship declaring an alert. They were expecting to jump into the middle of a fight afterall, the Cylons were raiding some of the outer colonies and the Columbia along with her sister the Galactica was tasked with kicking those toasters back to where they came from. Something wasn't right with the jump however, it was rarely as violent. Sure, the first jump as a greenie tossed you up a little bit but every officer in this CIC was experienced through combat, they shouldn't have been thrown all over the place like a bunch of rookies. He looked up at the DRADIS console, just as it blipped an unidentified signal into existence, something tiny, barely bigger than a shuttle right off the portside of the Columbia. "Launch alert Vipers! Tactical-" "Go!" "-Get me a line on Galactica, and contact navigation I need to know where we are. This doesn't seem right." Colonel Ryan Waldens voice entered the fray, audible over the frantic goings on of all the other officers around them. "Where's the whole gods damn fleet. Where's the Galactica?!" "I don't know sir, we're not getting any colonial IDs-" Anders put her hand to her earpiece before speaking again "-Alert Vipers report that the vessel doesn't visually appear like Cylons. They're moving in closer to the one near us, they say it's tiny." Alex nodded as he turned to face Anders. "Ship-to-ship Colonial priority one channel, hostile challenge and ID. Push the reply through the speakers." [table=bordered][row][cell][b] Attention unknown vessel, this is the Battlestar Columbia, identify yourself or we will fire upon you. [/b][/cell][/row][/table]