Cs Name: Soul Gender: None Species: Spirit Age: Unknown Faction: Humans Appearance: [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/eee8/f/2012/048/7/a/soul_orb_thing_by_theblackbutterfly1-d4q0i9z.png[/img] Personality: Soul is litterially nothing but a soul. He or she is kind and helpful, willing to do what it takes to help another however it isn't necessary good. Soul can do some questionable things. It has no sense of right or wrong. It has lost all of that during the thousands upon thousands of years lingering. Soul is often very lonely and seeks interaction with others however it is scared of scaring others away, and so doesn't normally tend to approach often. Soul is able to take any form it wishes but normally it stays in it's natural spirit ball form. Power: Spirit Physiology Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other: