Cs Name: Azriel Lilith Gender: Female Age: 15 Species: Nimbat Faction Nimbats Appearance: [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/6gvbra.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Azriel is a shy girl who doesn't approach many people. She is kind and loves animals. Being an Nimbat, she can naturally see spirits and talk to animals. Azriel has never been confident in herself and puts herself down a lot. She is afraid of her dark form which can take over when she is feeling negative emotions, like stress, fear, hate etc. During her dark from, everything can change, including personality. Dark Nimbat are mostly aggressive and like to cause trouble, but this can vary. Bio: She has learned the ways of enchanted music. This allows her to control animals, emotions and call spirits through music alone. She cannot control the spirits, but, she can communicate to them through her enchant music. Azriel has always neglected herself from others because of her species. She spends most of her time in her human form, but, at times she does go to her natural Nimbat form. Power 1: Magic Markings: Family: None Friends: None Sentimental Attachment: Ocarina. Other: