The crimson of the visor shined back at Meta's face as he examined it. Checking most, if not all of his gear was part of his daily routine, as he wanted to make sure he was ready for anything. He then lifted his helmet up, slipping it onto his head before making sure it was securely fastened. It had been two weeks or so since he joined the Black Void and was slowly getting used to the ship and the crew that he was now a part of. He sat back down on his bed and looked around his quarters, which remotely reminded him of the holding cells back on his own ship. As he sat there he felt the whole ship suddenly stop, which would have thrown him onto the floor had he not grabbed the bed. Assuming the worst he immediately stood up and grabbed his plasma rifle and laser-based sidearm, holstering the sidearm while slinging the rifle. As he finished equipping his weapons, he heard the captain's message on the intercom which confirmed his assumption. He double-checked all his equipment before exiting his quarters and heading to the airlock. When he arrived there he had spotted that the captain was already finished making defensive preparations, with the furniture from the lounge serving as cover for the crew of the Wyvern. He walked over, stopping beside her before saying: [b]Meta:[/b] Seems we're a bit early, got any idea of what we're up against?